David Bowie The Last Five Years – Documentary – Het Uur van de Wolf ,Dutch TV NPO2 (Dutch subtitles) Included Dutch Intro

David Bowie The Last Five Years - Documentary - Het Uur van de Wolf ,Dutch TV NPO2 (Dutch subtitles) Included Dutch Intro

David Bowie The Last Five Years – Documentary – Het Uur van de Wolf ,Dutch TV NPO2 (Dutch subtitles)
Included Dutch Intro

video 1 > Promo Dutch The Last five Years ,broadcast Duch TV NPO2 ‘Het Uur van de Wolf’ 2017-01-19
video 2 > The Last Five Years – Documentary – Het Uur van de Wolf ,Dutch TV NPO2 2017-01-19

There was nothing predictable about David Bowie. Everything was designed to intrigue, to challenge, to defy all expectations. But perhaps no period in David Bowie’s extraordinary career raised more fascination, more surprise, and more questions than the last five years. This is an intimate portrait of one of the defining artists of the twentieth and early twenty first centuries, told by the people who knew him best – his friends and artistic collaborators.

This film takes a detailed look at Bowie’s last albums, The Next Day and Blackstar, and his play Lazarus. In his final five years, Bowie not only began producing music again, but returned to the core and defining themes of his career. This film explores how Bowie was a far more consistent artist than many interpretations of his career would have us believe. It traces the core themes from his final works and relates them to his incredible back catalogue. His urge to communicate feelings of spirituality, alienation and fame underpin his greatest works from the 1960s to 2016. This is what lies at the heart of his success and appeal – music that deals with what it means to be human in a way that goes far beyond the normal palette of a rock star.

The film is not a comprehensive overview of his entire career, but an in-depth exploration of pivotal moments that show how the themes, the narrative and the approach is consistent – it is simply the palette that changes. The film includes every key member of the Next Day band, the Blackstar band and those who worked with him on the stage play Lazarus. In addition, old friends and colleagues are on hand to explore how the work of the last five years relates to Bowie’s back catalogue. And, as in David Bowie: Five Years, there is a wealth of unseen and rare archive footage

Dutch Review
NPO 2 :Het Uur van de Wolf: David Bowie – de laatste vijf jaar
uitgezonden op donderdag 19. januari 2017, 22:55-00:25
speelduur 90 minuten

Als vervolg op de eerdere documentaire ‘Five Years’ maakte regisseur Francis Whately nu een documentaire over de laatste vijf jaar van David Bowie. Opnieuw kon hij daarbij beschikken over unieke opnames, zoals van de originele leadzang van ‘Lazarus’, Bowies laatst uitgebrachte nummer. De spiksplinternieuwe documentaire is toegespitst op de laatste drie grote projecten van Bowie: de albums ‘The Next Day’ en ‘Blackstar’ en de musical ‘Lazarus’, die Ivo van Hove regisseerde. De film laat zien dat Bowie uiterlijk wel constant van gedaante verwisselde, maar dat de kernthema’s van zijn werk – vervreemding, sterfelijkheid en roem – eigenlijk hetzelfde bleven.

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David Bowie The Last Five Years – Documentary ,first broadcast BBC 2 2017-01-17. David Bowie Earthling On TV – The Obscured Collection –  1997-10-14 – Capitol Theatre (MTV 10-Spot) ,Port Chester ,New York