David Bowie Outside (64 minutes in total) footage includes:

David Bowie Outside (64 minutes in total) footage includes:

David Bowie Outside (64 minutes in total) footage includes:

Chapter 1:
01. Late Show with David Letterman 1995 (4 minutes):

David performs Heart’s Filthy Lesson.

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno – NBC – 27/10/1995 (7 minutes):
02. Strangers When We Meet,
03. Interview.

Q Awards – picture and sound freeze for a few seconds throughout (3 minutes):
04. Intro/Jarvis Cocker discusses the Q Inspiration award,
05. Jarvis Cocker presents the award to David and Brian Eno,
06. Interview with Brian Eno.

07. MTV European Music Awards 1995 (4 minutes):
The Man Who Sold The World – picture and sound freeze for a few seconds at the beginning only.

08. Strangers When We Meet (4 minutes):
promo video .

9. MTV European Music Awards 1995 pre-show (4 minutes):
Ray Cokes interview with David features puppets Zig and Zag.

10. MTV Interview (4 minutes):
clips from Robert Sandall’s VH1’s One to One interview with David – Outside era.

11. Ozone David Bowie special – BBC2, UK T.V. 1996 (15 minutes)
interview, video footage and other artists talking about David.

12. VH1 – The Bridge (6 minutes):
clips from Robert Sandall’s VH1’s One to One interview with David – Outside era.

13. MTV interview with David and Nine Inch Nails (2 minutes)
Outside era .

14. VH1 news report on David’s 1996(2 minutes):

Brits Lifetime Achievement award .

Chapter 2:
Andy Warhol (1 song only) – Wembley Arena, London, UK 15/11/95(4 minutes):

filmed from 2 cameras – audience recording.

Chapter 3:
Good Morning America – ABC – 1995 (5 minutes):

Interview with David by Steve Fox.

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David Bowie 1995-12-13 Birmingham ,National Exhibition Centre (hall 5) – Birmingham ’95 Twix Mix – David Bowie 1995-196 TV Broadcast – Outside In luv On Ya – (96 min.)