David Bowie Live at The Bastille (29 minutes) footage includes:

David Bowie Live at The Bastille

David Bowie Live at The Bastille (29 minutes) footage includes:

Chapter 1:
Oh You Pretty Things – Girls And Boys: Sex And British Pop, BBC2, U.K T.V, 30/10/2005 – this documentary looks at various British pop-stars from the 1970’s and focuses heavily on David (59 minutes).

Chapter 2:
The Bastille, Paris, France, 10/12/1995 – MTV footage, pro-shot (29 minutes), songs are:
1. Look Back In Anger,
2. The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction,
3. Under Pressure,
4. The Man Who Sold The World,
5. Hallo Spaceboy,
6. Strangers When We Meet.

Chapter 3:
New York Rockefeller Plaza, New York, USA, 14/06/2002 – Today Show rehearsals, audience recording (22 minutes), songs are:
1. Rock n’ Roll suicide (cut),
2. Cactus,
3. Lets Dance,
4. Slow Burn,
5. Fame.

Chapter 4:
Clip from the Live Aid documentary – part 1, BBC, U.K T.V, 2005 – David interview (2 minutes).

Chapter 5:
Miracle Goodnight – 1993 remix version (5 minutes).

Chapter 6:
Singles Collection advertisement, TF1 Publicite, French T.V, 1999 (1 minute).

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David Bowie Archive Collection 2.  Disc 2 – (73 minutes) – footage includes: David Bowie Golden Years 1974-1980 (98 minutes TV Broadcast)