David Bowie Archive Collection 2. Disc 1 – (116 minutes) – footage includes:

David Bowie Archive Collection 2. Disc 1 - (116 minutes) - footage includes:

David Bowie Archive Collection 2. Disc 1 – (116 minutes) – footage includes:

01-03. Howard Stern Birthday Show, New York 29/01/98 (14 minutes)
01. Fame
02. Hallo Spaceboy
03. I’m Afraid Of Americans

04. 1987 MTV documentary on the Glass Spider Tour (28 minutes).
Day In Day Out

05. Japanese interview with David recorded in New York in October 1980
shown on Dee Dee Musik Now (6 minutes).

06. Japanese interview with David 16/05/1990
shown on NHK T.V. news, features live clips (4 minutes)

07. Backstage footage with Nine Inch Nails
plus Hurt performed live with Nine Inch Nails at an unknown venue in USA 1995 – pro-shot (8 minutes).

08. Net Aid, Wembley Stadium 09/10/1999 (29 minutes)
1. Life On Mars..?,
2. Survive
3. China Girl
4. Pretty Things Are Going To Hell,
5. Drive In Saturday,
6. Rebel Rebel
09. Saturday Night Live 02/10/1999 (12 minutes), songs are:
1. Thursday’s Child,
2. Rebel Rebel plus finale.

10. Much Music Rock Awards 23/09/1999
Pretty Things Are Going To Hell – live (5 minutes)

11. Much Music interview with David 24/09/1999
(8 minutes).

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David Bowie Rare,Precious & Beautiful Volume 2 – (compilation DVD Various Dates & Locations) David Bowie Archive Collection 2.  Disc 2 – (73 minutes) – footage includes: