David Bowie Party Like It’s 1999

David bowie Party Like It's 1999

David Bowie Party Like It’s 1999 (116 minutes) footage includes:

Chapter 1:
Jam, Viva TV, Germany, 28/11/1999 – rare documentary which includes promo videos, interviews and live footage from throughout the years (52 minutes):
1. part 1,
2. part 2,
3. part 3.

4. Hours EPK – includes studio footage and David talking about his new album (12 minutes).
Francamente Me Ne Infischio 22/10/1999 – Rai Uno – Italian T.V. hosted by Adriano Celentano (13 minutes):
5. intro,
6. Thursday’s Child,
7. interview (dubbed in Italian).

Chapter 2:
VH-1 Fashion Awards, German TV, 20/10/2000 (6 minutes):
1. David talks about the Designer Of The Year award,
2. video footage of the nominees,
3. David announces the winner who is Stella McCartney
4. Paul McCartney comes on stage and presents the award and Stella makes a speech.
5. Musikbyzan with Lene Johannsen, Channel 1, Denmark, 1999 includes live footage from 1983 and from Paris 1999 plus video footage and a interview from 1999 (with subtitles) (10 minutes).

Chapter 3:
1. French TV, 13/10/1999 includes video footage, live footage, old interview footage, and a new interview from 1999 (9 minutes).
Press conference, Pavillion Gabriel, Paris, 14/10/1999 (14 minutes):

2. David comes on stage and Catherine Troutman talks about him and presents him with the ‘Chevalier Des Arts et Lettre’ award,

3. David says thank you,

4. David answers journalists questions (cut-off).

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