David Bowie David Bowie’s Work In The 1990’s’ (120 minutes) footage includes:

David Bowie David Bowie’s Work In The 1990’s (120 min) footage includes:

David Bowie David Bowie’s Work In The 1990’s (120 min) footage includes: :

01. Pop Galerie: David Bowie, ARTE, German T.V, 1996
Documentary about David includes video footage, rehearsal footage, movie footage, photo footage and interview footage throughout the years. Also includes interviews with other stars talking about David (59 minutes).

02. MTV Rockumentary, MTV Europe, 1993
Includes interviews, promo videos, live footage and TV show footage (23 minutes).

Channel 3, Israel T.V, 1996
Footage of David Bowie arriving in Israel and performing at Hayarkon Park, Tel Aviv, Israel 03/07/1996 (25 minutes):
03. David getting off the plane and being interviewed by the press,
04. Hallo Spaceboy live,
05. road crew interview,
06. Hallo Spaceboy live,
07. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) live,
08. interview backstage,
09. “Heroes” live,
10. titles.

Rock Party, SAT 1, German TV, 12/1995
Features footage of David live from Birmingham, UK (13 minutes):
11. Hallo Spaceboy live,
12. David introduces Alanis Morissette,
13. The Man Who Sold The World live,
14. Under Pressure live.

Time: 120 min

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