David Bowie 1996-02-13 Geneva ,Arena (Bofinken) – SQ 8

David Bowie 1996-02-13 Geneva ,Arena (Bofinken) - SQ 8

David Bowie 1996-02-13 Geneva ,Arena (Bofinken) .
Sound Quality Rating

01. The Motel.flac
02. Look Back In Anger.flac
03. The Heart’s Filthy Lesson.flac
04. Scary Monsters.flac
05. I Have Not Been to Oxford Town.flac
06. Outside.flac
07. Andy Warhol.flac
08. The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (As Beauty).flac
09. The Man Who Sold the World.flac
10. A Small Plot of Land.flac
11. Strangers When We Meet.flac
12. Diamond Dogs.flac
13. Hallo Spaceboy.flac
14. Breaking Glass.flac
15. We Prick You.flac
16. Nite Flights.flac
17. Band Introductions.flac
18. Teenage Wildlife.flac
19. Under Pressure.flac
20. Encore Call.flac
21. Moonage Daydream.flac

Label : No label
Audio Source : Audience recording
Lineage : Unknown
Taping Gear : Unknown
Taper: Unknown
Recording Location: Unknown
Total running time : 1:35:59
Sound Quality : Noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance : 10.000
Artwork : None

REVIEW : Mark Hackius
David Bowie in Geneva 13.02.1996
We live in Switzerland; Bowie lived in Switzerland; Bowie never played a concert in the country of his domicile. So, when the concert was announced we knew two things: a) Bowie had moved and b) this was an occasion not to be missed.

Tickets were surprisingly easy to come by – at least I thought so, expecting queues and sold out signs. Now it was just a question of waiting. And anticipating, ignoring the worrying reports that filtered down: Stadiums and venues half full, concerts flopping, Morrisey quitting, this was Bowie’s comeback tour, the first European tour in 5 years, and that one I’d missed as it hadn’t come to Switzerland – he still lived here then. I would pay no attention to the spreaders of rumours and lies: everything would be alright tonight. And so it was.
February night in Geneva, out by the airport, making my way to the Aréne de Genève, cutting across the motorway and up the bank until we came to the venue. So excited. Bowie. I’d been a fan for years, since I’d first discovered Ziggy on a box tape recorder while redecorating a house. Then came Low – disappointingly unlike Ziggy, but nevertheless played relentlessly to until I knew each note, Aladdin Sane and Hunky Dory – each album mined for gold, each yielding its own treasures: Bewley Brothers, Fill Your Heart, Drive-in Saturday, Cracked Actor, and so it went over the years, till Lets Dance followed by the unlikeable and barren Tonight album and the unlistened to “Never Let Me Down” – which could be found in any 2nd-hand store or clearance box, before finally: Outside – Bowie the way I knew him, full of dark imagination and atmosphere. This is what was waiting for me.
The Arène de Genève is quite a small venue, indoors (not outside), with a bar at the entrance before you go into the main hall, and it was there that I met Stacey, the kind of girl who was too cool to be seen to be impressed and who would prefer to spend her evening at the bar chatting with Bowie as background muzak. Not for me – although I did sit out the Placebo set. By the end of the support act I had made my way comfortably close to the front. The stage set was odd, sparse, wrapped shop dummies and pillars suggesting some dilapidated stately home. Gradually, the props were hidden by clouds of dry smoke until I could see nothing. We knew it was about to begin. The opening notes – what was it, I knew it, something off the new album? Motel! Sparse like the set, Bowie singing, invisible in the smoke. All eyes focused on a shadowy figure we could make out at the front of the stage. Bowie. The crowd cheered greetings. The smoke lifted to reveal, not Bowie, but a bald-headed woman playing bass: Gail Ann Dorsey. But where was Bowie? There at the back, wearing a long trench coat. Stylish, unpresuming and very present. The next surprise: Look Back in Anger from Lodger – and this set the tone of the concert. Song after song, but never the big hits, always the second song: not Boys keep Swinging, not Rebel Rebel but Diamond Dogs, not Ashes to Ashes but Scary Monsters, not Life on Mars, but Andy Warhol and so it goes: Bowie wrong-footing me from the start. I can imagine that for some it could have been frustrating: where were the hits?
Where was Jean Genie, Let’s Dance and Ziggy? But for me it was wonderful! One unexpected joy after another, and all the time Bowie in command. More tracks from Outside. The Heart’s Filthy Lesson, We Prick You, Hallo Spaceboy. Surely one of his great albums! Now some stuff I didn’t know so well: Nite Flights, A Small Plot of Land, Bowie threads the new songs along with the older ones, but always the surprise

The Arène de Genève is not a big venue. The figures had it down as a crowd of 10,000 – and maybe it was, but it didn‘t feel that way. It felt like we were in his living room, all 500 of us. Such was the way of Bowie that he could spread intimacy throughout the hall and such was his presence that when he sang, you felt he’d singled you out of the crowd and was singing to and for you alone.

By the time the last notes of Under Pressure, had faded away, I was sated. Not for one moment had he let the control slip. He had woven a tight tapestry of carefully chosen songs to create a truly unexpected and different Helter Skelter of a show. Wait…there’s more, the encore.. these opening chords are sooo familiar, but what is it… Oh my! Moonage Daydream – of course. Not Suffragette City or Five Years or… Thank You Mr Bowie, for an evening of dreams and joy. It was the first time I’d been to a Bowie gig, and it was the last time and now I never will again, but that night there was a starman waiting in the skies and he certainly blew our minds.

David Bowie Tour band 1995-1996 – Outside Tour
The Outside Tour was a tour by English rock musician David Bowie, opening on 14 September 1995 at Meadows Music Theatre – Hartford, Connecticut. Support during the US leg of the tour was provided by Nine Inch Nails, who segued their set with Bowie’s to form a continuous show. Prick opened the first date of the tour. Morrissey was the support act for the European leg, but withdrew from the tour after nine dates. On selected dates Reeves Gabrels performed songs from his album, The Sacred Squall of Now in addition to performing with Nine Inch Nails and David Bowie. The opening of the concert tour preceded the release of the 1. Outside album which was released on 25 September 1995.

David Bowie – vocals
Reeves Gabrels – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals
Gail Ann Dorsey – bass guitar, vocals
Zack Alford – drums
Mike Garson – piano
Peter Schwartz – synthesizer, musical director
George Simms – backing vocals, keyboards

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