David Bowie 1996-02-11 Lyon ,Halle Tony Garnier – SQ 8

David Bowie 1996-02-11 Lyon ,Halle Tony Garnier - SQ 8

David Bowie 1996-02-11 Lyon ,Halle Tony Garnier .
Sound Quality Rating

01. Fade in track (crowd noise) – Intro.flac
02. The Motel.flac
03. Look Back In Anger.flac
04. The Heart’s Filthy Lesson.flac
05. Scary Monsters.flac
06. I Have Not Been to Oxford Town.flac
07. Outside.flac
08. Andy Warhol.flac
09. The Voyeur of Utter Destruction (As Beauty).flac
10. The Man Who Sold the World.flac
11. Strangers When We Meet.flac
12. Diamond Dogs.flac
13. Hallo Spaceboy.flac
14. Breaking Glass.flac
15. We Prick You.flac
16. Nite Flights.flac
17. Band Introductions.flac
18. Teenage Wildlife.flac
19. Under Pressure.flac
20. White Light White Heat.flac
21. Moonage Daydream.flac

Label : No label
Audio Source : Audience recording
Lineage : Tape
Taping Gear : Unknown
Taper: Unknown
Recording Location: Unknown
Total running time : 1:31:23
Sound Quality : Noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance : 16.000
Artwork : None

A good concert ,At the beginning of Diamond Dogs Bowie says:“Gone to the garden and I have a dog coming along. Very slowly .but it’s coming along for sure ,leaning on a tree behind shed.”

David Bowie Tour band 1995-1996 – Outside Tour
The Outside Tour was a tour by English rock musician David Bowie, opening on 14 September 1995 at Meadows Music Theatre – Hartford, Connecticut. Support during the US leg of the tour was provided by Nine Inch Nails, who segued their set with Bowie’s to form a continuous show. Prick opened the first date of the tour. Morrissey was the support act for the European leg, but withdrew from the tour after nine dates. On selected dates Reeves Gabrels performed songs from his album, The Sacred Squall of Now in addition to performing with Nine Inch Nails and David Bowie. The opening of the concert tour preceded the release of the 1. Outside album which was released on 25 September 1995.

David Bowie – vocals
Reeves Gabrels – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals
Gail Ann Dorsey – bass guitar, vocals
Zack Alford – drums
Mike Garson – piano
Peter Schwartz – synthesizer, musical director
George Simms – backing vocals, keyboards

3.00 pm – Arriving at the halle Tony Garnier. Some 50 persons already waiting… Everyone talks about Bowie of course, telling sometimes nonsenses about his career… Some say that the Morrissey part is now replaced by Placebo, a group totally unknown to me at that time.
4.30 pm – Opening of the doors – Rush to the first filtering… At the second one, the security detail us, looking for some cameras or others… Second rush to a second file where we wait again… You’ve got to be patient…
Quite a strange feeling, as if nothing really was about to take place, for there’s not a single bill announcing the event : only a big M6, representing a french tv channel which supports the act.
We entry the hall by small groups after having our tickets verified, and it’s the last rush to the front of the stage. At the left of the hall, they sell programs, t-shirts and drinking…
Christophe (a cousin) and I choose a place at the very front of the stage, slightly at the right side, where we finally sit while the hall fills up slowly…
The crowd is very heterogeneous : you can see some true fans, the ones you meet at every show… Just beside there’ll be a person who’ll just know Bowie only by name !
At the top of the stage, you can read « OUVREZ LE CHIEN « , in French. Quite strange quote for those who don’t know Bowie’s career… Some sure wonder about its signification !
Everyone interested in Bowie’s career knows where it comes from : It’s obviously part of the « All The Madmen » lyrics (track from « The Man Who Sold The World » album released in 1970).
At the left side of the stage and at the top of it, is hanged an big white manikin tied and rigged out, another mistery in the crowd’s mind. One may think he may represent alienation, one of Bowie’s favorite subject of interest during his carreer.
For the moment a big curtain hides the back of the stage.
6.30 pm – the lights dim after the diffusion of a smoke curtain… Placebo enters the stage, telling they’re a group from London.Their music is played with great vigour ! The singer, using extensive make-up on his face, expresses himself in perfect french : he’s got quite a vibrant voice, singing over an energic and noisy music, making sometimes difficult to understand the lyrics of the songs !
The two other members of the group are a guitar player and a bassist, with less grace and charisma than their singer !
They play the major part of their album, « Teenage Angst »…
During their set, someone in the crowd calls « Morrissey !!! », and the singer, Brian Molko replies in french « No, sorry, it’s not Morrissey !!! »
7.00 pm – End of Placebo part. All their stuff is removed, and soon the Bowie staff begins to arrive on the stage, recognizable with a « db » badge around their neck. We can hear some extracts of Reeves Gabrels ‘s (Bowie’s guitarist on the tour…) new album, « The Sacred Squall Of Now ». It contains a new version of « You’ve Been Around » sung by Bowie (the original version is in the « Black Tie White Noise » album released in 1993). In my opinion, the new version is much better.
An extract from Philip Glass’s « Low Symphony » follows, as the intro to the show, »Some Are » (I love this track, a very calm one and outtake from the « Low » sessions in 1977). That album contains Bowie’s instrumentals taken from the album « Low » (1977), but reworked as a symphony…
7.30 pm – The lights dim for the second time.
As I said before, I’m in the very front of the stage, so I can clearly see Bowie’s group coming up , even Bowie himself, climbing the stairs drinking something at the right side, in the dark. Bowie’s dressed up with a sort of blue painter dress…
Then the big curtain which hide the rest of the stage opens completely, letting us discover the entire place with everyone on post. A second big sign is hanged on the left side on the top of the stage: »OPEN THE DOG » is written on, english traduction of « OUVREZ LE CHIEN ».
Gail Ann Dorsay (Bass Guitar) is just above me, and some lights begin to illuminate the stage. Mike Garson opens the night with the piano intro to « The Motel »: yes, the magic is here yet, no doubt … What a beautiful song and a great intro …
Then just as Bowie starts singing the first verses, the crowd starts yelling and screaming en masse, David still remaining invisible. He suddenly appears, standing up, leaving his hidden place behind the right side of the stage, and coming forward slowly, in motion, dressed in a black mantle and barefoot (!), then sitting on a corner of a table, smiling to the crowd. The aura of the star is really palpable and everyone is at his feet !

The set is made of a great part of the last album, « OUTSIDE ».
But it contains some older ones, and some are big surprises as « Diamond Dogs », that he didn’t play since 1976.
During « The Hearts Filthy Lesson », Bowie takes off his mantle, and shows his blue painter-like dress.

During « Andy Warhol » Bowie makes some mime, taking funny poses under a big screen of neons, then dancing frantically, that’s the word ! Funny choreography …
He places his hands under his chin making some funny faces while the neons change inclination and flash at times. For « Scary Monsters », the usual green spotlights are used allowing us to see that several statue- like manikins are strewed on the stage (as on the « Hearts Filthy Lesson » video).The difference between this tour and the past Bowie tours is evident with such a bare scenery as this… Just Bowie and the band, waou !!! Let’s rock, now…

During « Outside » Bowie sings from the right side, kneeling down. The big huge manikin at the left slowly rotates while David looks at it in a very serious way.
Halfway « Breaking Glass », someone from the audience throw a bouquet of red gerberas on the stage. Bowie takes one of the flower, puts it under his chin, and starts tearing off the petals as if they were some blood drops, making in the same time painful faces…
Bowie is in full form, using the whole stage, jumping and smiling very often, waving to the audience. He gets exactly what he wants from the crowd, and everyone in the hall is hysterical !

This first french date is surely a success, and Bowie is very relax and self-assured with the power of his show. The band is also a powerful one, surely one of the best he ever had.
David uses everything to captive the attention, sometimes using his most famous postures of the Ziggy era, as for « Moonage Daydream » (God, what a version that one !!!) of course, or « Nite Flights » (remember the flying mime section of « Width Of A Circle » from the Ziggy Stardust movie…?).

Info from the website LIVE ON MARS ? The Bowie Tours 1971-2004


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