David Bowie 1987-09-07 Chapel Hill ,Dean Smith Centre – Tar Heel Spider – SQ 8

David Bowie 1987-09-07 Chapel Hill ,Dean Smith Centre - Tar Heel Spider - SQ 8

David Bowie 1987-09-07 Chapel Hill ,Dean Smith Centre – Tar Heel Spider
Sound Quality Rating

01. Purple Haze.flac
02. Guitar Intro.flac
03. Up The Hill Backwards.flac
04. Glass Spider.flac
05. Up The Hill Backwards (Reprise).flac
06. Day In Day Out.flac
07. Bang Bang.flac
08. Absolute Beginners.flac
09. Loving The Alien.flac
10. Rebel Rebel.flac
11. China Girl.flac
12. Fashion.flac
13. Scary Monsters.flac
14. All The Madmen.flac
15. Never Let Me Down.flac
16. Big Brother.flac
17. Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family.flac
18. 87 And Cry.flac
19. “Heroes”.flac
20. Sons Of The Silent Age.flac
21. Time Will Crawl.flac
22. Band Introductions.flac
23. Young Americans.flac
24. Beat Of Your Drum.flac
25. Jean Genie.flac
26. Let’s Dance.flac
27. Fame.flac
28. Time.flac
29. Blue Jean.flac
30. I Wanna Be Your Dog.flac
31. Modern Love.flac

Label : No label
Audio Source : audience
Lineage : TDK SA C90 tapes ,My copy believed to be a 2nd genaration tape.
Total running time : 2:14:37
Sound Quality : Much noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance : ???
Artwork : Yes

Bowie gets humorous after Blue Jean. He borrows Carlos Alomar’s guitar, claiming as he introduces I Wanna Be Your Dog, that Peter Frampton doesn’t know the chords and proceeds to teach him the song.

 david-bowie-1987-09-07-back david-bowie-1987-09-07-frontis david-bowie-1987-09-07-disc

David Bowie Tour band 1987 – The Glass Spider Tour
David Bowie – vocals, guitar
Peter Frampton – guitar, vocals
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
Alan Childs – drums
Erdal Kızılçay – keyboards, trumpet, congas, violin, backing vocals
Richard Cottle – keyboards, saxophone, tambourine, backing vocals

Tour dancers
Melissa Hurley
Constance Marie
Spazz Attack (Craig Allen Rothwell)
Viktor Manoel
Stephen Nichols
Toni Basil (choreography)

Tour design
Allen Branton – Lighting design
Mark Ravitz – Set design
Christine Strand – Video director

[real3dflipbook id=”5″][real3dflipbook id=”6″]
David Bowie The Glass Spider Tour Boek part 1David Bowie The Glass Spider Tour Boek part 2


David Bowie’s legacy lives on in UNC historyDuring the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, the Smith Center served as a concert venue, hosting top names in rock, pop, rap and country. Artists from New Kids on the Block to Public Enemy have played there.

Since news of Bowie’s death appeared, more than 100 million Facebook tributes and posts have been penned about him, including those by musicians who admired his work and members of the LGBT community who credit Bowie for saving their lives.

Those who saw him perform in the Smith Center are now reflecting on the experience.

Jimmy Taylor was a senior at UNC when he and a group of friends saw Bowie in 1987.

“I remember it being a pretty great show,” he said. “It’s not every day you get to see David Bowie.”

The show sold out and the place was packed. Guitarist Peter Frampton and Toni Basil accompanied him on stage.

Bowie first made his appearance by descending from a giant canvas-like spider and then performed several new songs as well as favorite hits. The Daily Tar Heel reviewed the show, calling it “spectacular.” The review said after the show, the audience screamed for more, which led to the inevitable encore including “Blue Jean” and ending with “Modern Love.”

John Brackett, a lecturer in the music department, said by the late 1980s, Bowie had nearly 20 years of music behind him.

“He was firmly entrenched in the rock canon,” he said.

By that time he had also solidified his place in pop culture and had become a more accepted musician, even making his way into UNC nightlife.

“If you went to a few frat parties, you would probably hear his songs at some point,” Taylor said.

Jon Wilson, who has seen Bowie four times, attended his second show in the Smith Center in 1990 after putting on a fake British accent and stowing away on a bus from Charlotte that included contest winners. He was eventually caught but was allowed to attend the show anyway and even had his ticket upgraded.

Wilson said Bowie’s Sound + Vision Tour was thought to be his last.

“I had to get to that concert,” he said. “I had to see him.”

The show was very technically advanced for the time. Wilson recalled it being flashy and technical with a huge screen and LED lights. Bowie opened with “Space Oddity.”

He said the crowd was great, despite tickets remaining for the show.

Wilson said Bowie told the crowd, “Next time, we’ll come through when the kids are here.”

“(Bowie’s) whole career was built on extravagantly larger-than-life performances,” Brackett said.

Wilson admittedly cried when he first heard the news of Bowie’s passing.

“He’s just been a soundtrack for so many moments for different people,” he said. “He’s got a song for everything.”

Bowie released his last album, “Blackstar,” just two days before his death.

Wilson said he believes the album, as well as the song “Lazarus,” was a goodbye to his fans — a send-off.

In the first line in “Lazarus,” Bowie sings, “Look up here, I’m in heaven.”


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3 thoughts on “David Bowie 1987-09-07 Chapel Hill ,Dean Smith Centre – Tar Heel Spider – SQ 8”

  1. Hello,
    I was at the two shows – second night had front row center! Is this the first night or second? Bowie sat on edge of stage and held my friends hands and sang Absolute Beginners to her.
    How could I get a copy of this concert? Thank you!

  2. Phenomenal show.
    Probably excellent for those who didn’t drop acid, but I contend my experience was more likely than not, exceptional: surreal, influential. and forever memorable.
    Forty-four tons of stage equipment and BOWIE.

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