David Bowie 1983-09-04 Toronto ,Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand – SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1983-09-04 Toronto ,Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand - SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1983-09-04 Toronto ,Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand (feat. Mick Ronson)
Sound Quality Rating

01 – Introduction – Look Back In Anger.flac
02 – Lavender’s Blue – “Heroes”.flac
03 – What In The World.flac
04 – Golden Years.flac
05 – Fashion.flac
06 – Let’s Dance.flac
07 – Breaking Glass.flac
08 – Life On Mars.flac
09 – Sorrow.flac
10 – Cat People (Putting Out Fire).flac
11 – China Girl.flac
12 – Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps).flac
13 – Rebel Rebel.flac
14 – White Light White Heat.flac
15 – Station To Station.flac
16 – Cracked Actor.flac
17 – Ashes To Ashes.flac
18 – Space Oddity.flac
19 – Young Americans.flac
20 – Fame.flac
21 – TVC 15.flac
22 – Star.flac
23 – Star.flac
24 – The Jean Genie [feat. Mick Ronson].flac
25 – Modern Love.flac

Label : No label
Audio Source : audience
Lineage : ???
Total running time : 1:57:08
Sound Quality : very good. Equals record or radio apart from a slight noise and some dullness.
Attendance : 51.700
Artwork : None

A sensational announcement
,true,but a little odd all the same,for there were no more than two con­certs in Toronto,whereas the announcement made it sound as though Bowie had been there for a whole week or so.
Bowie ends Breaking Glass by calling “Oh no,no!” to the rhythm of the song over and over again,ending in prolonged “Nuoooooo!”.
After Space Oddity Bowie hints that this is going to be a very special concert: “Thank you very much. Good evening! We have got a very exceptional surprise for you at the end of this evening,and I’m not going to tell anything about it”,and in a child’s voice “Don’t have to,if I don’t want to”. “Steve Elson,who’s not really a Russian” he says when introducing the band. “This is a song from the Young Americans album. We’re having a very good time tonight by the way,we’re enjoying our­ selves a lot”. Indeed he sounds quite cheerful,and he laughs orten while singing.
Then During Jean Genie ,it coms,when at the beginning of the song Bowie says: “I was walking through a corridor in Toronto last night,and I ran into somebody I haven’t met for eight years,and I said ‘What are you doing tonight?’ ,and he said ‘Not much’. So I said ‘Do you wanna come in play with us’. He hasn’t worked with me for ten years,I’d like to introduce one of the original Spiders from Mars – MICK RONSON!”.

David Bowie World Convention 1983
David Bowie – 1983 Souvenir Serious Moonlight Tour


The audience are amased and give a loud cry. Ronson,Bowie’s trusty guitarist in the Ziggy days.appears and plays along with Jean Genie,the song Bowie and Ronson had played together for the first time during the US Tour,October 1972,and which they had continued to bring at each concert throughout the Ziggy period. Down on his knees.overcome with emotion,Ronson plays a long solo and the audience are absolutely frantic. It is only a short visit, and without having said a single word Ronson dis­ appears from the stage. At the beginning of Modern Love Bowie says “I’d like to thank Mick Ronson for coming and joining us tonight. I’d like to thank you particularly for being here, it’s been a pleasure!”


Tour band 1983 – The Serious Moonlight World Tour :
• David Bowie – lead vocals, guitar, saxophone
• Earl Slick – guitar
• Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
• Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
• Tony Thompson – drums, percussion
• Dave Lebolt – keyboards, synthesizers
The Borneo Horns:
• Steve Elson – saxophones
• Stan Harrison – saxophones, woodwinds
• Lenny Pickett – saxophones, woodwinds
backing vocals
• George Simms – backing vocals
• Frank Simms – backing vocals

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15 thoughts on “David Bowie 1983-09-04 Toronto ,Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand – SQ 8,5”

  1. We we there for the serious moonlight tour. It was a great concert even though our seats were really far away from the stage. Some drunk kids were sitting behind us and he fell backwards and kicked my wife in the back. I turned around and gave him the evil eye and he said to his friend I think that guy wants to hurt me. I was in a good mood so I let it pass. My wife was ok.
    Bowie had such a cool look with his blond hair and white suit. His band was great, especially Mick Ronson when he played as guest guitarist.

  2. This concert in Toronto in retrospect was such a gift. It was 40 years ago now and I think of what a magic performer and musician David Bowie was. A stylish showman, a charismatic entertainer. He gave us so many different styles and portrayals of characters, always changing always giving us something new and fresh and riveting. I only wish I could go back in time to that date on a warm late summer nite and the 60,000 transfixed fans and the amazing life adventure of having David Bowie holding us spellbound for his every move and every word he sang. It was oh so very very sweet and magnificent perfect, even though it was perfect really, but no one that night really cared because David had us all under his spell.

  3. Attended the 1983 Serious Moonlight concert on the CNE grounds… I will never forget the experience and am so sad that we lost David Bowie far too soon… his music lives on….

  4. Could you re-post this link? I was there! I was staying with my relatives and had nothing to do that day, saw the show was on and went down to the CNE, scored a ticket from a scalper, got to see Ronnie Hawkins in a little bar inside the grounds and then went to the main event. DB was a the height of his abilities back then and Mick Ronson blew everyone away! I will never forget it; i have been a concert goer for almost 50 years and only Bruce can match the magic of this night; PLEASE re-post! Thanks

  5. I’m so sorry to bother you again, but I didn’t see your post in time, and the link expired. Could I please ask one more time for access to this concert? Such good memories from that night…

  6. I just revisited this site and saw the link you posted in August. Unfortunately it has now expired – would you be able to send a new one to me?

  7. I was there too. I had just moved to Canada from UK, 6 weeks before. It was my first stadium concert and I was in awe. We started off in seats and were then able to go to front of stage. I told the steward that I had come from UK for the concert and he allowed us to move. Everyone was very relaxed, it didn’t feel over-crowded like the concerts I have been to in the UK since. In fact most of the concerts I went to in Canada were far more civilised, (including Prince), but nothing, (including Live8 in Hyde Park, London,) has ever compared to the Bowie concert.
    I have the Vancouver gig on tape but also would love the Toronto one. Thank you.

  8. I was there, and was one of the ones carried over the crowd, under the stage, and off to the side to watch the remainder of the show. I won a pair of tickets from chum and took my best friend with me. It was our first ever concert, and I would *LOVE* to be able to have a copy that I could share with her as well.

  9. So like…is there a way to actually download this, or….? Because my dad was actually there, in the audience, *on the ground level* back in 1983, and his 60th birthday is literally TOMORROW and I’d actually REALLY like to burn this onto a CD for him. Sadly the official CD for this tour (as you likely know) is a recording of his concert in *VANCOUVER* whereas my dad attended the one in TORONTO.

    We’re not sure if it was Saturday 03 September, 1983 or Sunday 04 September, 1983…but both are up here so if I can download both, then that neutralizes the problem. Thanks in advance…

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