David Bowie 1983-07-03 Milton Keynes , Milton Keynes Bowl – No Religion – SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1983-07-03 Milton Keynes , Milton Keynes Bowl - No Religion - SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1983-07-03 Milton Keynes , Milton Keynes Bowl – No Religion –
Sound Quality Rating

101. Look Back In Anger.flac
102. Breaking Classes.flac
103. Scary Monsters.flac
104. Rebel Rebel.flac
105. “Heroes”.flac
106. What In The World.flac
107. Life On Mars.flac
108. Golden Years.flac
109. Fashion.flac
110. Let’s Dance.flac
111. Red Sails.flac
112. China Girl.flac
113. White Light White Heat.flac
201. Station To Station.flac
202. Cracked Actor.flac
203. Ashes To Ashes.flac
204. Space Oddity.flac
205. Band Introductions.flac
206. Young Americans.flac
207. TVC 15.flac
208. Fame.flac
209. Star.flac
Encore 1:
210. Sorrow.flac
211. Cat People.flac
212. Stay.flac
213. Jean Genie.flac
Encore 2:
214. Modern Love.flac

Label : No label
Audio Source : audience
Lineage : Silvers
Total running time : 1:53:01
Sound Quality : very good. Equals record or radio apart from a slight noise and some dullness.
Attendance : 58.300
Artwork : Yes

Fantastic concert:
last concert of the European tour,as the announcer says:
“Ladies and gentlemen,on stage for the last show of the 1983 European tour – David Bowie and his band!” and immediately after this the audience are treated to Look Back in Anger. Lavender Blue is now played on the piano instead of the syntesizer,I don’t why. “This song is from the Station to Station album, it’s called Golden Years. Toast to you” says Bowie ,and then,once again the PA sends those waves of guitar floating across the immense field.
“Thank you” Bowie said after Space Oddity. “I’d like to thank two particular bands for working with us on these last three days that have been absolutely fantastic. Firstly Icehouse,and the Beat. It’s been very,very nice working with these guys. I’d like to introduce my band to you as well. On keyboards and synthesizers David Lebolt. And his bagage. On saxophones lenny Pickett,Stan Harrisson,Steve Elson. On rhythm guitar Carlos Alomar. Now let’s do a short one this time,on rhythm guitar Carlos Alomar. Bass guitar Carmine Rojas. Lead guitar Earl Slick. On drums Tony Thompson. Backing vocals George and Frank Sirruns. Now I wanna know wh o you are,to start with that person there what’s your name? This is called Young Americans“. From this long monologue, and the whole concert for that matter,it is clear that Bowie is exhausted – small wonder of course.
During Jean Genie Bowie found a bunch of keys lying on the stage and at once he built quite an act on it: “Shhh. I’m gonna try something very hard. Somebody threw their frontdoor key and their safe key upon stage” Bowie says with a Cockney accent. “Now I want honesty. I want absolute quiet and the person who it belongs to to put up their hand’”; An ocean of waving hands ofcourse! Then he continued: “Sits like a man but he smiles like a reptile. She loves him,she loves him,but just for a short while,she’s scratching the sand,she won’t let go his – we’re gonna try it again. There’s nothing on it,there’s only a frontdoor key for a mansion at Belgra square,a Ferrari doorkey,a box office safe,a key to the girlfriends apartment. You wouldn’t want it. Sits like a man but he smiles like a reptile,she loves him,she loves him,but just for a short while,she’s scratching the sand,she won’t let go his – all- right I’m gonna take them anyway”. With these words he ended the act and went on with Jean Genie.
Bowie was emptied, but nonetheless he managed to create another fantastic concert.

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David Bowie Tour band 1983 – The Serious Moonlight World Tour :
David Bowie – lead vocals, guitar, saxophone
Earl Slick – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
Tony Thompson – drums, percussion
Dave Lebolt – keyboards, synthesizers
The Borneo Horns:
Steve Elson – saxophones
Stan Harrison – saxophones, woodwinds
Lenny Pickett – saxophones, woodwinds
Backing vocals
George Simms – backing vocals
Frank Simms – backing vocals Frank Simms – backing vocals

David Bowie World Convention 1983
David Bowie – 1983 Souvenir Serious Moonlight Tour

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