David Bowie 1983-07-25 New York ,Madison Square Garden – Madison Square Garden One 1983 – (Volume 63)

David Bowie 1983-07-25 New York ,Madison Square Garden - Madison Square Garden One 1983 - (Volume 63)

David Bowie 1983-07-25 New York ,Madison Square Garden – Madison Square Garden One 1983 – (Volume 63) –
Sound Quality Rating

01. The Jean Genie Intro.flac
02. Star.flac
03. “Heroes”.flac
04. What In The World.flac
05. Golden Years.flac
06. Fashion.flac
07. Let’s Dance.flac
08. Red Sails .flac
09. Breaking Glass.flac
10. Life On Mars.flac
11. Sorrow .flac
12. Cat People (Putting Out Fire).flac
13. China Girl.flac
14. Scary Monsters (Super Creeps).flac
15. Rebel Rebel.flac
16. White Light – White Heat.flac
17. Station To Station.flac
18. Cracked Actor.flac
19. Ashes To Ashes.flac
20. Space Oddity.flac
21. Band Introductions.flac
22. Young Americans.flac
23. Fame.flac
24. TVC15.flac
25. Stay.flac
26. The Jean Genie.flac
27. Modern Love.flac

Label : Two Of Us Master Series (Volume 63)
Audio Source : Audience recording
Lineage : Off Master
Taping Gear : Shure Microphone > Sony Walkman Professional WM-D6 Cassette Player Recorder – VGC
Taper: Unknown
Recording Location: Unknown
Total running time : 1:54:33
Sound Quality : noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance : 19.250
Artwork : Yes
Known Faults: China Girl ,first few notes cut – Cracked Actor ,intro splice

This is a very good tape:
A good at­ mosphere to the tape.
After Space Oddity Bowie does some palavering which is totally unintelligible. Then “L’ d like to introduce my band to you tonight. On synthesizers & piano David Lebolt. On saxo­phones Lenny Pickett,Stan Harrisson and Steve Elson. All from New York. This one’s from New York as well,guitar Carlos Alo­mar” and he jests: “Now this guy comes from New York,on bass Carmine Rojas. And from New York Tony Thompson on drums. There is a New Yorker here,Earl Slick on lead guitar”. The audience love it and scream their heads off. “A couple of foreigners here,on backing vocals .from New York,Frank and George Simms. As you probably know I was born in New York” Bowie says! Then he says something about Philadelphia and Young Americans,but the yelling of the audience drown this. A very good concert, and a fine tape!

david-bowie-madison-square-garden-one-1983-2 copy

David Bowie Tour band 1983 – The Serious Moonlight World Tour :
David Bowie – lead vocals, guitar, saxophone
Earl Slick – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
Tony Thompson – drums, percussion
Dave Lebolt – keyboards, synthesizers
The Borneo Horns:
Steve Elson – saxophones
Stan Harrison – saxophones, woodwinds
Lenny Pickett – saxophones, woodwinds
Backing vocals
George Simms – backing vocals
Frank Simms – backing vocals Frank Simms – backing vocals

David Bowie World Convention 1983
David Bowie – 1983 Souvenir Serious Moonlight Tour

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David Bowie 1983-04-27 Dallas ,Las Colinas ,Soundstage (Tour Rehearsals with Stevie Ray Vaughan ) (Soundboard) – SQ -9. David Bowie 1983-07-27 New York ,Madison Square Garden – Madison Square Garden Two 1983 – (Volume 65) – SQ 8