David Bowie 1983-09-09 Anaheim (Los Angeles) ,Anaheim Stadium – Live In Anaheim – (RD) – SQ 8

David Bowie 1983-09-09 Anaheim (Los Angeles) ,Anaheim Stadium - Live In Anaheim - (RD) - SQ 8

David Bowie 1983-09-09 Anaheim (Los Angeles) ,Anaheim Stadium – Live In Anaheim – (RD)
Sound Quality Rating

02. “HEROES”.wav
05. FASHION.wav
06. LETS DANCE.wav
08. LIFE ON MARS.wav
09. SORROW.wav
10. CAT PEOPLE.wav
11. CHINA GIRL.wav
21. FAME.wav
22. STAR.wav
23. STAY.wav

Label : No label
Audio Source : audience
Lineage :
Total running time : 1:50:47
Sound Quality : noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance : 70.089
Artwork : Yes

The tour would eventually wind it’s way to southern California, and while the California Angels were losing a road game to the White Sox(0-11, to be exact), David Bowie was using their home, Anaheim Stadium, to grace Orange County Bowie fans with what was probably the greatest show they’ve ever seen. Why wasn’t I around to be there? Life is completely, totally unfair.


It was a great time be be alive, and to be a David Bowie fan. You were experiencing a resurgence of an artistic talent the likes of which this world, in my opinion, has never seen again. On top of that, you had youthful, exuberant openers Madness and The Go-Gos(on their Serious Bar-B-Que tour…here’s a live rendition of “we got the beat” taken from that very concert) doing their best to get the crowd warmed up for the set of a lifetime from Mr. Space Oddity himself. I mean, look at this set list. I feel so helpless…there’s nothing I can do but drool and be sad that I was only two years old at the time and therefore too young to have experienced this awesomeness.

Tour band 1983 – The Serious Moonlight World Tour :
• David Bowie – lead vocals, guitar, saxophone
• Earl Slick – guitar
• Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
• Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
• Tony Thompson – drums, percussion
• Dave Lebolt – keyboards, synthesizers
The Borneo Horns:
• Steve Elson – saxophones
• Stan Harrison – saxophones, woodwinds
• Lenny Pickett – saxophones, woodwinds
backing vocals
• George Simms – backing vocals
• Frank Simms – backing vocals

David Bowie World Convention 1983
David Bowie – 1983 Souvenir Serious Moonlight Tour


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17 thoughts on “David Bowie 1983-09-09 Anaheim (Los Angeles) ,Anaheim Stadium – Live In Anaheim – (RD) – SQ 8”

  1. Two weeks before my 17th birthday….I was there. I recall Chrissyboy and the other Madmen cooking in the hot sun….I was near Belinda when some jokester threw a coke up on her pretty pink dress…..she was SO pissed. For Bowie I had worked myself forward to about six feet from the barrier-dead center…..crowd surge so bad I had to move back about 50 feet during Golden Years-I wanted to enjoy the show! I felt cool wearing my Serious Moonlight muscle shirt to Cerritos High the next Monday……best part of Senior year! Epic day….cherished memories.

  2. I was there, nosebleeds a foot from a post that blocked everything- even the guy directly behind the post was happy/ was that the concert when the sound went out on the Gogos- if it was I smuggled six doobies in a fake sandwich- I still had to hide-

  3. This was a phenomenal show. I was probably thirty yeards away dead center outfield grass.

    I remember that I could see Sting watching the show stage left behind the screen. It was definitely the best thing happening in Anaheim that day (police were playing in Oakland the next night).

    @andrew – I had previously worked for szabo foods. Saw my first concert at Anahein Stadium after a shift (ELO and Journey), and bought tickets to see Boston, Black Sabbath, Van Halen at the ELO show.

    MY older brother saw the rolling stones some girls tour 2x a few years earlier while working fro szabo. I recall people showing up to work and getting in with their badges then just quitting to attend the show.

  4. I was there with my best friend Kelly Rhodes, she drove up from San Diego to go with me we must have been 16 at the time.
    What an amazing show!! My only time seeing Bowie, I’m so glad I had the experience.

  5. I was working a beer stand for Szabo, the concessionaire, on the infield between 2nd and 3rd base. We had to be on site 90 minutes before the gates opened so I sat on the outfield grass as Madness and the Go Go’s went through their sound checks and played a couple songs on the centerfield stage. The infield stand sold out the 30 kegs of beer in under two hours, just as the Go Go’s finished their set. The stand supervisor said we were done and could go home. I went up to the second deck to watch the Bowie performance in its entirety without having to buy a ticket, and at 17 was too young to buy a beer. It was my one and only Bowie show.

  6. Isn’t this the concert where the young girls were trying to beat the Amtrak train across the tracks and her high heel got caught and she had her leg severed at the ankle? I remember the sirens before the gig………..We drove up from San Diego in my girlfriends Volkswagen beetle……….. Great music, wild times.

  7. I was there too at the age of 18! It was awesome! I ended up dead center front hoisted up on the shoulders of a big Samoan guy so I could breathe! Once above the crowd wow 🤩 it was amazing!

  8. I was 18 and in that crowd, working my way to the front as the Go-Gos were finishing their set. It was scary – hot, hard to breathe, and a girl near me passed out. We lifted her up over the crowd and handed her to security personnel on the stage. Other guys on the stage were pouring giant 5 gallon Sparklets bottles of water on everyone to cool us down (really appreciated that!). Bowie came on and I was right there. Packed in so tight I could hardly move my arms from my sides. Three songs in, I had to pee so bad I just turned around and tried to head away from the stage. The crowd literally pulled me all the way from deep center field to home plate in about 90 seconds (same song was still playing). I found the men’s room and then just kicked it in the seats behind home plate, watching the show on Diamond Vision. No way I wanted to mess with that crowd again! Lucky no one died. Great show, though.

  9. I was there! First concert ever (I was 17) and my best to this day!

    Was also up front on the grass for Madness and The GoGo’s. Was so bummed when my friend got claustrophobic and wanted to move to the stadium seats when Bowie came on. My grown up self says this was probably a great idea after reading the comments!

  10. I had been invited by a new “guy “ then on the way to the stadium he told me he had a GF I thought awe hell . But I’m still going yes ?
    I Grabbed the ticket and I remember a sea of people being lifted Over and squeezing through ,my mission was to see him as close as possible ! I looked up at him at the front barrier as if I was seeing God himself .
    I missed to Go -Gos playing but definitely saw Madness play .
    To this day I’m so glad I was by myself and insisted on going regardless of the dude who was girlfriended . I grabbed the ticket and ran into that crowd lol .
    Remember attempting to get a ride home after . 16 yrs old at the time

  11. Great Show!🥰
    I was 22 at the time!😥
    From the previous comments, I’m glad I was Not on the field!👍
    Baseball, Football and even Hockey Stadiums Suck for Acoustics. Plus the stairs can be wicked Steep.
    I’ll take the Hollywood Bowl, The Greek Theatre, Irvine Meadows and even The Forum back in the day in LA and Orange Counties.
    Most recent show was some years back at a real nice small venue in San Diego California.
    Saw Boston live, 3rd row.
    Was an Amazing show and as a Bonus had a very nice conversation with the man and his wife sitting next to me, who happened to be Bill Walton!👍😁
    When Bill likes a band, he sees them 100’s of times!😱
    Oh to be a Millionaire Basketball Legend!😁
    Also saw The Beach Boys, Alan Parsons, Procol Harum and Yes together and Kansas at Humphreys, that I can recall!🥰
    Thanks for the Set list!👍
    Mike in San Diego.🌞🎸🚀🖖

  12. Ok. So I’m late to this conversation. I was there too. It was great. The only Bowie show for me. I was near the front to the left side. I recall Bowie coming out on stage for “Let’s Dance” riding on the shoulders of a guy playing blues guitar. This guy was making the guitar sing, he had some jacked up teeth. He was wearing a hat and a Japanese Kimono. Does anyone else remember this? Who was he? Well, years later, I became a Stevie Ray Vaughn fan. I understand Stevie didn’t go on tour with Bowie but did he play just that night? Looks like it was unlikely but I have a distinct image in my mind of what I saw. I wasn’t drunk or high. So who did I see? Is anyone out there… who saw it too?

  13. I was in the front row. Nearly died in the crowd squeeze, as mentioned, it was extremely hot and dangerously crowded, but found my way to the front and held on to the fence. The security poured water in us and many people were lifted overhead and passed forward to safety. At 17, I still found this concert, despite the circumstances, fantastic. I was one of the sweaty faces on the front page of The OC Register the next day. Still a fan.

  14. The field was packed. It was extremely hot and dangerous.
    I lost my girlfriend and my shirt in the crowd. Unfortunately we party and missed the opener Madness!

  15. I was there on this exact date. It was amazing! The energy filled Anaheim Stadium for hours! It was my first concert and NOTHING ever compared to it!

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