David Bowie 1983-06-05 Birmingham ,National Exhibition Centre (Off master , RAW) – SQ 8

David Bowie 1983-06-05 Birmingham ,National Exhibition Centre (Off master , RAW) - SQ 8

David Bowie 1983-06-05 Birmingham ,National Exhibition Centre (Off master , RAW) .
Sound Quality Rating

What in the World
Golden Years
Let’s Dance
Red Sails
Breaking Glass
Life on Mars?
Sorrow (The McCoys cover)
Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
China Girl (Iggy Pop cover)
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
Rebel Rebel
White Light / White Heat (The Velvet Underground cover)
Station to Station
Cracked Actor
Ashes to Ashes
Space Oddity
Young Americans
Hang On to Yourself
The Jean Genie
Modern Love

Label : No label
Audio Source : audience
Lineage :
Total running time : 1:49:02
Sound Quality : very good. Equals record or radio apart from a slight noise and some dullness.
Attendance : 11.000
Artwork : None
Tracksplit : No track makers

Bowie was quite relaxed
Not of high quality,but the second half gets better. This was a very good concert; Bowie was quite relaxed and cracked a joke now and then. The audience often laugh at moments .
“Thats the worst world I ever saw”
Bowie says just before the band intro, and I have a sort of idea that the balloon burst or something. “Thank you very much. OK,which was the real one. I’d like to introduce you to my band”. After introducing the Borneo Horns Bowie makes game of the audience: “On trombone Gregory Arbellovicc” he says and they just applaude,but then immediately after that Bowie says,sounding a little surprised: “Aaaah ,we don’t have at rombone”. The audience had their laugh over it!
Now and then there are sur­face noises,and when the audience cry for an encore,there is a rumbling , drumming of all the stamping feet on the galleries. Modern Love is spoilt by Bowie singing the lyrics in the wrong order and somewhat out of tune,terrible.
This tape has a lot of Atmosphere .

David Bowie Tour band 1983 – The Serious Moonlight World Tour :
David Bowie – lead vocals, guitar, saxophone
Earl Slick – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
Tony Thompson – drums, percussion
Dave Lebolt – keyboards, synthesizers
The Borneo Horns:
Steve Elson – saxophones
Stan Harrison – saxophones, woodwinds
Lenny Pickett – saxophones, woodwinds
Backing vocals
George Simms – backing vocals
Frank Simms – backing vocals Frank Simms – backing vocals

David Bowie World Convention 1983
David Bowie – 1983 Souvenir Serious Moonlight Tour

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David Bowie 1983-06-04 London, Wembley Arena (blackout) – SQ -9 normal_Stick%20McQuee%20(cover)