David Bowie 1983-08-02 Chicago ,Rosemont Horizons – Live At The Rosemont – (cd Set) (RAW) – SQ 8

David Bowie 1983-08-02 Chicago ,Rosemont Horizons – Live At The Rosemont – (cd Set) (RAW) - SQ 8

David Bowie 1983-08-02 Chicago ,Rosemont Horizons – Live At The Rosemont – (cd Set) (RAW) .
Sound Quality Rating

What in the World
Golden Years
Let’s Dance
Red Sails
Breaking Glass
Life on Mars?
(The McCoys cover)
Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
China Girl
(Iggy Pop cover)
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
Rebel Rebel
White Light/White Heat
(The Velvet Underground cover)
Station to Station
Cracked Actor
Ashes to Ashes
Space Oddity
Young Americans
The Jean Genie
Modern Love

Label : MCDS 022-99B
Audio Source : audience
Lineage :
Total running time : 1:46:52
Sound Quality : noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance : 18.100
Artwork : Yes
Note : This was originally a vinyl release (984 DB 103 A/E)
Tracksplit : No track makers

Bowie and the band were uninspired, and the sound was deplorable in this basketball house built in 1980. But there was a funny moment during Let’s Dance: a girl in the front row offered Bowie one of her red slippers,but he wouldn’t give it back. She stuck out her hand Lo get hold of it,but Bowie kept pulling it away playfully. He gave it back in the end; the audience were much amused! There was much enthusiasm in the audience,which con­sisted mainly of somewhat younger people who only knew Bowie from Let’s Dance. During Station to Station people in the audience cry “Sit down!” but when this remains without success, they start calling – in a chorus even – “Get down,get down,get down!”. The tape gives an incredible good mass sound of the audience,especially at the end of Fame,when Bowie turns it into a singalong,singing “Fame,fame,stick it,stick it!” and urges the audience to sing with him. One continually hears the massess of the audience sing “Fame!” – lovely! In Jean Genie Bowie sings “Chicago’s a go-go” instead of “New York”,a joke which he also produced in Detroit,but which got less cheers here than in Detroit.

 david-bowie-1983-08-02-rosemont-horizon-1 david-bowie-1983-08-02-rosemonhorizon-2

David Bowie Tour band 1983 – The Serious Moonlight World Tour :
David Bowie – lead vocals, guitar, saxophone
Earl Slick – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar, backing vocals, music director
Carmine Rojas – bass guitar
Tony Thompson – drums, percussion
Dave Lebolt – keyboards, synthesizers
The Borneo Horns:
Steve Elson – saxophones
Stan Harrison – saxophones, woodwinds
Lenny Pickett – saxophones, woodwinds
Backing vocals
George Simms – backing vocals
Frank Simms – backing vocals Frank Simms – backing vocals

David Bowie World Convention 1983
David Bowie – 1983 Souvenir Serious Moonlight Tour

When he was in Chicago Bowie was interviewed by Gabrielle Sneddon-Pike from “No. I”,an English magazine:

GSP: Now you’re about halfway through your world tour, are you enjoying it all again?
DB: Great,it’s very light-heilrted,very easy in fact. We have even got ourselves a baseball team. Actually it’s a lot of fun. I’m not tired or exhausted at all.
GSP: You seem to be adding a lot more dates all the time.
DB: Yes,it’s no problem at all. Everybody in the outfit is incredibly good-humoured. Nothing is taken desperately serious,which helps I think. There’s no p r ob l.ems at all, especially in my relationship with the band. IL’s been ab­ solutely wonderful from the start.
GSP: Did you actually expect the kind at success you’re having with this tour?
DB: No,we just did not know what was going to happen when we booked the tour. So we played it safe. Then the whole thjng just escalated as soon as the announcement was made. It started snowballing and it is still snowballing over here in the US. It has exceeded all my expectations consi­derable! It’s wonderful – I’m not complaining (smiling).


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David Bowie 1983-07-31 Detroit ,Joe Louis Arena (off master JEMS ) – SQ -8 David Bowie 1983-08-04 Chicago ,Rosemont Horizons – Chicago – (RD) – SQ 8