David Bowie 1976-04-17 Zurich ,Hallenstadion – Wild Panic Bitch – SQ 7

David Bowie 1976-04-17 Zurich ,Hallenstadion - Wild Panic Bitch - SQ 7

David Bowie 1976-04-17 Zurich ,Hallenstadion – Wild Panic Bitch –
Sound Quality Rating

00. Introduction.flac
01. Station to Station.flac
02. Suffragette City.flac
03. Fame.flac
04. Word on a Wing.flac
05. Stay.flac
06. Waiting for the Man.flac
07. Queen Bitch.flac
08. Life on Mars.flac
09. Five Years.flac
10. Panic in Detroit.flac
11. Band Introductions.flac
12. Changes.flac
13. TVC15.flac
14. Diamond Dogs.flac
15. RebelRebel.flac
16. The Jean Genie.flac

Label: Downunder Disc
Audio Source: audience
Total running time: 1:29:43
Sound Quality : Much noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance: 3.000
Artwork: Yes.

Another gig where Bowie was loaded; he talks a lot of rubbish and his manner immediately betrays the fact that he is far from being sober: irregular,shaky and cor­ ny. “As you can see,my band came from very good families. It’s got a little … little mixed up,growing up,but I’d still like to introduce them. Former Yes … hahahaha … Tony Kaye. Tony Kaye on keyboards”. (Tony begins the intro to Changes.) “What he’s doing now,he’s trying to make everything easy by playing the intra for the next song very quietly behind me while I intro­duce everybody. He’s very professional,isn’t that professio­ nal? On guitar Carlos Alomar. Carlos co-wrote Fame with me and Lennon,and I’ve loved him ever since , hahahaha . On percussion Dennis Davis! As you can see he’s the star of the band. Hut when it comes to being a lady-killer,here’s someone who likes ladies,and does very well with them,I must tell – George Mur­ray”. (he is hinting at the mitten he got earlier that day, when a girl showed herself more interested in George than in himself!) And,while Tony Kaye strays from the repertory, playing a couple of light tunes,Bowie goes on: “And really,I, I,I,I,I,I,I” (he trips over his words bu t then it gets a little better:) “I don’t know how to tell you this,but I’m going to introduce a Canadian! On lead guitar Stacy Heydon! Well,let me tell me about you – you’re the audience,and hello. My name’s David Bowie and this song is called Changp’s”. When the number is over Bowie asks “Do you speak English?” and the audience reply “Yes!”. “I was saying what a nice gig this was, haha,it’s a lovely gig” Bowie says and tells the audience about TVC15: “This is a love song I suppose. There is a roman­ce,a love affair between a young lady and a television set,and it’s c a … hahaha … and it’s called TVC15.
During Diamond Dogs Bowie calls “It’s only rock & roll but I like it!” and Rebel Rebel and Jean Genie follow as extra’s.

 David-Bowie 17 April 1976 cover  David-Bowie 17 April 1976 outer

The Tour Band – The Station To Station Tour
• David Bowie – Vocals, saxophone
• Carlos Alomar – Rhythm guitar, music director,backing vocals
• Stacy Heydon – Lead guitar, backing vocals
• George Murray – Bass guitar, backing vocals
• Dennis Davis – Drums, percussion
• Tony Kaye – Keyboards
The band became known as “Raw Moon”

• Vern Moose Constan, Rob Joyce – Band technicians/personnel
• Lonnie McKenzie, Leroy Kerr, Lester Burton, Buddy Prewitt, Larry Sizemore – Lighting technicians/personnel
• Buford Jones, Scott Wadsworth – Sound technicians/personnel

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