David Bowie 1976-04-26 Stockholm ,Kungliga Tennishallen – Wonderful Wonderful – SQ 6+

David Bowie 1976-04-26 Stockholm ,Kungliga Tennishallen - Wonderful Wonderful - SQ 6+

David Bowie 1976-04-26 Stockholm ,Kungliga Tennishallen – Wonderful Wonderful –
Sound Quality Rating

101. Station To Station.flac
102. Suffragette City.flac
103. Fame.flac
104. Word On A Wing.flac
105. Stay.flac
106. Waiting For The Man.flac
107. Queen Bitch.flac
108. Life On Mars.flac
109. Five Years.flac
201. Panic In Detroit.flac
202. band introductions.flac
203. Changes.flac
204. TVC 15.flac
205. Diamond Dogs.flac
206. Rebel Rebel.flac
207. The Jean Genie.flac

Label: from The Hunky Geordie Tapes – HGSS03CD
Audio Source: audience
Lineage: Philips C90 > Denon DRM-500 tape deck
Total running time: 1:30:01
Sound Quality : Not good ,much Noise ,very dull
Attendance: 5.000
Artwork: By steve23yh.

david-bowie-wonderful-wonderful-inner1 david-bowie-wonderful-wonderful-backdavid-bowie-wonderful-wonderful-inner2david-bowie-wonderful-wonderful-inner3

Sivert Bramstedt:(‘Dagens Nyheter’)
Wrote rather a negative review on this first concert in Sweden: “Already from the start it is obvious that it are the backing musicians who make the music effective. Bowie’s own thin,light voice sounds out of place in the heavy music and it is hard to hear him through the massive sound. The lyrics are impossible to hear and many musical nuances are lost in the bad acoustics. As a musical innovator Bowie has definitely nothing more to say”.

The audience are enthusiastic and clap along with many a song,and when they want an extra,they all clap together rhythmically and in perfect time.

The Tour Band – The Station To Station Tour
• David Bowie – Vocals, saxophone
• Carlos Alomar – Rhythm guitar, music director,backing vocals
• Stacy Heydon – Lead guitar, backing vocals
• George Murray – Bass guitar, backing vocals
• Dennis Davis – Drums, percussion
• Tony Kaye – Keyboards
The band became known as “Raw Moon”

• Vern Moose Constan, Rob Joyce – Band technicians/personnel
• Lonnie McKenzie, Leroy Kerr, Lester Burton, Buddy Prewitt, Larry Sizemore – Lighting technicians/personnel
• Buford Jones, Scott Wadsworth – Sound technicians/personnel


iZotope RX2 denoiser to remove hiss

Strange metallic kinking noise appears, later songs on side 1. Left as is.

At 2:01 in Station To Station, appears to be tape pause noise – faded-out
Ending of Five Years and start of Panic In Detroit are missing (assume tape flip on original) – fade-out/in
Modest reprofiling of volume (upwards) on Rebel Rebel and The Jean Genie.
Sector boundary errors tidied with TLH.


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1 thought on “David Bowie 1976-04-26 Stockholm ,Kungliga Tennishallen – Wonderful Wonderful – SQ 6+”

  1. I was att the concert with my friends. We were all big Bowie-fans but unfortunately the sound was absolutely terrible! We actually left after an hour, with ringing ears. It is a hardf place for concerts, but I’ had seen Zappa and the Roxy-band in the same venue earlier and the sound was great.So it could definitely have been better.

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