David Bowie 1972-10-20 Santa Monica ,Civic Auditorium – Ziggy In Concert – (KMET FM Radio) – SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1972-10-20 Santa Monica ,Civic Auditorium - Ziggy In Concert - (KMET FM Radio) - SQ 8,5

David Bowie 1972-10-20 Santa Monica ,Civic Auditorium – Ziggy In Concert – (KMET FM Radio).
Sound Quality Rating

A01.Introduction by Mitchel Reed From KMET Radio.wav
A02 Ode To Joy (Intro).wav
A03 Hang On To Yourself.wav
A04 Ziggy Stardust.wav
A05 Changes.wav
A06 The Supermen.wav
A07 Life On Mars.wav
B08 Five Years.wav
B09 Space Oddity.wav
B10 Andy Warhol.wav
B11 My Death! (is not Quicksand ,see cover).wav

Label: Berkeley Records early 1973
Audio Source: KMET FM Radio Broadcast
Total running time: 0:42:53
Sound Quality : very good. Equals record or radio/TV apart from a slight noise and some dullness.
Attendance: . . . . . . .
Artwork: Yes.
Format : Vinyl
Note : Track B11 is not ‘Quicksand’ but ‘My Dead’

Here we have THE VERY FIRST Bowie Bootleg ever produced. Released by Berkeley Records in the USA, probably early 1973.
It’s the first part of the Santa Monica gig 20th October 1972. It includes a partial DJ intro with the complete “Ode To Joy” intro.
This is a direct copy of the LP, pops, crackles, warts and all, including the rather abrupt ending after “My Death”.
The sound quality doesn’t compare with the later TMOQ Santa Monica releases but it’s historical importance is unquestionable.

The printed label is a mirror image of a Janis Joplin/ Full Tilt Boogie Band Bootleg called “Wicked Woman” on Memory Records (JJ-713). Apparently they had some of these labels left over so just used them in reverse to get rid of them, as bootleggers do 😁

This is the famous concert that was recorded by RCA for a posable live LP and was broadcast.live on American radio.During the moments leading up co the show the DJ is heard;”Steve Martin here,backsrage at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.It’s a cool night in Los Angeles and,as you may know or not knou,The Santa Monica Civic is about a hundred yards from the beach so we have a cool breeze blowing off the ocean through the stage door at our backs.The auditorium is packed,as a matter of fact,the first David Bowie concert in the Los Angeles area. There will be one more tomorrow night,this is the concert tonight which will be recorded by RCA for the next David Bowie album and we expect do hear some new material by this British superstar. David and his group,The Spiders from Mars,will enter from the other side of the stage.The auditorium completely blacked out except for flashing strobe lights.

david-bowie-Ziggy-In-Concert-Replica CD Pic 3 david-bowie-Ziggy-In-Concert-label

Now the entrance music will be do the ode,or I should say to the Ode to Joy which is featured in the movie ‘Clockwork Orange’ and the house lights are starting to dim,here’s David.David Bowie live on American radio for she very first time so it was of the highest importance that this should be a good concert No doubt Bowie and his men were frightfully nervous,but the first part show came off flawless – up to Five Years,when Moke Ronson honson s backup singing was not a little out of tune!After the number Bowie is snowed under with cries from the audience while he is trying to fix a microphone to his acoustic guitar which evidently poses a problem: OK. Boy you’re terrific! Give me pair of pliers,pliers or strong hand. Hmmhmm that’s aenough,don’t tighten it up again. No leave it,look.come here,leave it no just leave it”.Then,with Ronson playing bass guitar,Bowie sets in an acoustic set. of three songs, Space Oditty being the first.The nummer commences,Ronson counts,and as lift-off murmurs “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa”in a rising tone,ending with n funny “Diddawoo ida”.The Give rendering of the number which is of an exceptional beauty,really splendid! Thank you That was called Space Oditty.
This is a painter.from New York,terrific! That’s my impersonation.and it’s about a man called Andy Warhol – Warhol”. This too is beautifully p1ayed,and the singing is serene and refined.”Playing to you courtesy of a piece of palm tree that I ate,I asked for lobster tail,and they brought me palm tree,piece of palm tree. Yeah,really. Thats all” Bowie says,then goes on with the lovely song My Death,with nothing but his own guitar to accompany him.
Bowie announces Jean Genie: “This one is about -give me some lead – no it isnt,it’s about a New York lady it’s about a guy who lives in New York called Jean Genie,and it begins in E”. when after Suffragette City Bowie and the Spiders Leave the stage,DJ Steve Martin is heard again: “You hear the applause and that’s a bid for David Bowie to come back on,and they are coming back on. He’ve at Santa Monica Civic,first of two performances in town. They’re back on stage, they’ll perform some more,a standing ovation”. Rock & Roll Suicide is the last number they play. when they go they leave behind an enthusiastic audience of converts. The entire population of the US had been enabled to listen to this wonderful
concert,which did much to advance Bowie’s popularity

Griffin Santa Monica ’72 Press Kit Notes

The first title to be released on Griffin Music, in association with Trident Music and MainMan, will be David Bowie “Santa Monica ’72”. The tentative release date is scheduled for February 28, 1995 for North America only. In 1972, after completing a successful tour in the UK, David Bowie set out on his first US tour. Shocking and delighting people worldwide with his Ziggy Stardust persona, Bowie was now reaching the pinnacle of fame. On October 20, 1972 David Bowie and the Spiders From Mars played the Santa Monica Civic Hall. This concert was broadcast over the FM airwaves and has since been considered one of the most popular bootleg recordings ever. Trident Music saved this recording from the vaults, digitally remastered it and has made “Santa Monica ’72” an official release. Griffin Music brings this recording to you as it happened, no overdubs and plenty of on-stage banter between the band and audience. The set list is compiled primarily from the “Hunky Dory” and “Ziggy Stardust” albums, and contains two cover tracks, the Velvet Underground’s “Waiting for the Man” and Jacques Brel’s “My Death”. Complete with rare photos and memorabilia, this Bowie title is an essential addition to fan’s and collector’s libraries. “Santa Monica ’72” is definitely one of the most exciting and important live recordings to date.


David Bowie Tour Band – The Ziggy Stardust Tour
David Bowie – vocals, guitar, harmonica
Mick Ronsonguitar, vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick “Woody” Woodmanseydrums
Matthew Fisherpiano (20 Apr 1972 – 27 May 1972)
Robin Lumleypiano (2 Jun 1972 – 15 Jul 1972)
Nicky Grahampiano (1 Aug 1972 – 7 Sep 1972)
Mike Garsonpiano, mellotron, organ (22 September 1972 – end of tour)
John Hutchinsonrhythm guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973 – 3 July 1973)
Aynsley Dunbaradditional drums (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973)
Geoffrey A. MacCormackbacking vocals, percussion (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Ken Fordham – saxophone (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Brian Wilshawsaxophone, flute (19 January 1973 – end of tour)

Robin Mayhew ,Will Palin ,Mick Hince ,Dean Heiser – Sound ,Ground Control ,Front of House Engineer ,Stage hands
Nigel Olliff, Nick Gilbey, Paul Normand and crew – Lights ,1972 Heavy Light ,1973 See Factor Industries NY Bob See ,Steve Hurston ,Mick Fussey
Peter Hunsley – Stage Equipment
Suzi Fussey – Wardrobe, Makeup and Hair



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