David Bowie 1972-10-07 Chicago ,Auditorium Theatre – Chicago’s A Go Go – SQ 7,5

David Bowie 1972-10-07 Chicago ,Auditorium Theatre - Chicago’s A Go Go - SQ 7,5

David Bowie 1972-10-07 Chicago ,Auditorium Theatre – Chicago’s A Go Go –
Sound Quality Rating

01. Ode To Joy (fade In).flac
02. Hang Onto Yourself.flac
03. Ziggy Stardust.flac
04. The Supermen.flac
05. Queen Bitch.flac
06. Changes.flac
07. Life On Mars.flac
08. Five Years.flac
09. Space Oddity.flac
10. Andy warhol.flac
11. My Death.flac
12. Width Of A Circle.flac
13. Band Introductions.flac
14. John I’m Only Dancing.flac
15. Moonage Daydream.flac
16. Starman.flac
17. Waiting For The man.flac
18. White Light White Heat.flac
19. Suffragette City.flac
20. Jean Genie (For the first time.flac
21. Outro Music.flac

Label: Aladdin scenes
Audio Source: audience
Total running time: 1:18:25
Sound Quality : noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance: 4.300
Artwork: Chrisnathou 2008.


“Thank you very much,were gonna do a number from the Hunk Dory Album it’s called Life on Mars Bowie tells the audience who are reasonably enthusiastic and clap along with many a song.Afrer Five fears Bowie gets his 12-string guitar shouldered for Space Oddity,and meanwhile people from the audience call out the names of their favorite songn,e.g. Andy Warhol and Saviour Machine. Space Oddity Starts and the audience quite enjoy that too.It is splendidly performed with Robson playing the second part.
At the beginning of Andy Warhol Bowie stops and a lot of screaming of the audience can he heard. Something is happening with over-enthusiastic fans or something of the sort; at least Bowie soon continues.
This time Bowie does not announce My Death and when it Starts no one applauds,for no one knows it. But the audience are quite silent while the song lasts and gives it a great applause when it is over.
To Moonage Daydream Bowie.says “This is a number by Ziggy” and for the first line e he sings – off key – “Well I’m an ace invader”! Not very successful,so he stops immediately and starts anew. “This is a number from Ziggy,it’s Called Moonage Daydream .
“Thank you!” he calls gratefully when he is called back for Jean Genie. “We’ve done some recording and this is one we recorded in New York,and it’s for a friend of ours,Iggy Pop. He’s not here tonight so it’s for you here,it’s called Jean Genie. After this song there is Rock & Roll Suicide.

David Bowie Tour Band – The Ziggy Stardust Tour
David Bowie – vocals, guitar, harmonica
Mick Ronsonguitar, vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick “Woody” Woodmanseydrums
Matthew Fisherpiano (20 Apr 1972 – 27 May 1972)
Robin Lumleypiano (2 Jun 1972 – 15 Jul 1972)
Nicky Grahampiano (1 Aug 1972 – 7 Sep 1972)
Mike Garsonpiano, mellotron, organ (22 September 1972 – end of tour)
John Hutchinsonrhythm guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973 – 3 July 1973)
Aynsley Dunbaradditional drums (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973)
Geoffrey A. MacCormackbacking vocals, percussion (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Ken Fordham – saxophone (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Brian Wilshawsaxophone, flute (19 January 1973 – end of tour)

Robin Mayhew ,Will Palin ,Mick Hince ,Dean Heiser – Sound ,Ground Control ,Front of House Engineer ,Stage hands
Nigel Olliff, Nick Gilbey, Paul Normand and crew – Lights ,1972 Heavy Light ,1973 See Factor Industries NY Bob See ,Steve Hurston ,Mick Fussey
Peter Hunsley – Stage Equipment
Suzi Fussey – Wardrobe, Makeup and Hair



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1 thought on “David Bowie 1972-10-07 Chicago ,Auditorium Theatre – Chicago’s A Go Go – SQ 7,5”

  1. This was my 1st introduction to david bowie! I fell in love with him & his music immediately! Saw him 1st 10/7/72 at the auditorium theater in chicago ..then in the 80’s at the aragon ballroom.. (my friend & I got so close we could see that 1 eye was amber,the other green or blue!)..3rd concert was at the rosemont theater in the 90’s…..the show again was unbelievable due to his stage presence,awesome costumes,hair, but mainly from his great deep voice,acting & gestures & lyrics! I knew all the words at his 1972 show since I had memorized all of his lyrics! I was so sorry that I never saw him again in concert in chicago ..I was shocked when I heard he had died from liver(?) cancer but fortunately those last shows( ny,etc were available to watch)…..his creativity was unreal…along with using only top players,engineers,sound & audio people,producers,directors….& his unbelievable tribute artists who re create his sound! I’m grateful that his man from the start-mike garson has continued to pay tribute to an artist named david bowie!!

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