David Bowie 1973-05-23 Brighton, The Brighton Dome – Brighton Rock – SQ -6

David Bowie 1973-05-23 Brighton, The Brighton Dome - Brighton Rock - SQ -6

David Bowie 1973-05-23 Brighton, The Brighton Dome – Brighton Rock –
Sound Quality Rating

01. Anouncement – Ode To Joy Intro.flac
02. Hang Onto Yourself.flac
03. Ziggy Stardust.flac
04. Watch That Man.flac
05. Quicksand – Life On Mars? – Memory Of A Free Festival.flac
06. Moonage Daydream.flac
07. Changes.flac
08. Space Oddity.flac
09. The Jean Genie.flac
10. Time.flac
11. The Width Of A Circle.flac
12. Letís Spend The Night Together.flac
13. Suffragette City.flac
14. Cracked Actor.flac
15. Drive In Saturday.flac
16. Outro.flac

Label: Old Gold Records 1999 – OGCD 028
Audio Source: audience
Lineage: Tape
Total running time: 1:04:34
Sound Quality : Bad ,excessive noise ,extremely dull : can hardley be listened to.
Attendance: 2.100
Artwork: yes.


The Quicksand-medley is ,once again,played beautifully.
By the way,this was the last time Bowie played it during this tour: after Brighton it was replaced by another medley. After the medley,Moonage Daydream,in which Bowie sings: “Freak out in a teddy-bear dream-dream”! The number is interrupted a couple of times,and a tiny bit is missing. When the song is over,one can hear a girl screaming “I love you David!”. During the concert the audience were hysterical ,maybe even a trifle too much so: in their high-strung mood they did much damage to the theatre , especially to the seats!
As a result the Dome managers would never have Bowie perform there again!
“Thank you,we’ll be back in ten minutes” Bowie says after Space Oddity,and after a pause they return to playa heavy version of Jean Genie. After Width of a Circle the tape is shortly interrupted to continue with Let’a Spend the Night To­gether,of which the beginning is missing – and also the band intro to it. “Thank you,we love you” Bowie says after Drive in Saturday, and a music tape is played to indicate that the con­cert is over: no Rock & Roll Suicide??! Strange!
There are moments when Bowie’s singing,which is not too clear as it is,is drowned by Bolder’s bass. .

david-bowie-Brighton-Dome on May 23, 1973



(Visited 857 times, 1 visits today)
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