David Bowie 1972-09-28 New York ,Carnegie Hall (only one track) – SQ 10

David Bowie 1972-09-28 New York ,Carnegie Hall (only one track) - SQ 10

David Bowie 1972-09-28 New York ,Carnegie Hall (only one track) –
Sound Quality Rating Excellent sound

01 My Dead .flac

Incidentally RCA recorded this concert for the aborted Ziggy Stardust live album and while it was never released “My Death” from this concert is able to be heard today as it was included on RARESTONEBOWIE (1995).

At 9pm following a taped introduction from “A Clockwork Orange”, Bowie and the Spiders made their entrance to a standing ovation from the audience. “Hello,” said David Bowie….” starting his 90 minute set.

“Hang Onto Yourself”
“Lady Stardust”
“Moonage Daydream”
“Five Years”
“Suffragette City”
“Life on Mars?”
“Queen Bitch”
“Andy Warhol”
“My Death”
“Space Oddity”
“Width of A Circle”
“Waiting for the Man”
“White Light – White Heat”
“Round and Round”

Bowie was initially dressed in a multi-coloured jumpsuit and would make one more costume change (to a gold and black checkered jumpsuit) halfway through the concert. In addition to the white strobe light which was used for the opening number, two more strobes (coloured red) were used to highlight David’s face so that the audience could see his expressions change with every musical moment.

Bowie was very frightened that he was going to physically break down during this concert due to a 48 hour influenza bug that he and some of his entourage were suffering from. However, the concert was very successful despite this and few people noticed that it impeded his singing or stage theatrics. Timothy Ferris (Rolling Stone), though, due to Bowie’s flu, described the show as only a “pallid imitation” of those he had seen earlier in Cleveland and Memphis. When Ferris interviewed Bowie after the concert he noted that Bowie’s:/

“…flu had progressed to its stupefaction stage …. He responded to questions in the flu sufferer’s manner, with a blank stare into space for about the time it takes to ride a bicycle up a long hill, followed by a fretful harvest of words…”

It was reported that it took a while for Bowie and the Spiders to build momentum but they were soon in stride and during “Starman” there were accounts of some of the audience (including Angie and Cyrinda Foxe) dancing in the aisles.

“Sound. Its swells like the booming of surf on a deserted shore. Ziggy and the Spiders. And there’s Ronno, on his knees in front of the idol whose fame Bowie covets. The sexual movements are explicit and everybody is happy because it is happening just as it was reported by NME. Carnegie Hall is for a moment Wolverhampton. You can’t fault the music. Or the group. They play hard, muscular chords, sharp and choppy, the tempo a futuristic quick-step that induces the adrenaline to flow. And Bowie as Ziggy cries to the crowd, head back, sweat running in glistening rivulets down the creases of his thin neck, staining his uniform. Put Your Space Face Close To Mine, Luv. Ronno rips off the chords. It’s the first Bowie show with real power…” – Eric Van Lustbader (1976)

“They went ape-shit. The place really rocked. It was fabulous, the best, the only comparison was The Rainbow Show” – Will Palin

When Bowie introduced his song “Andy Warhol” he had a smile on his face, realizing that Andy Warhol was in the audience. This is “for all the blondes in the audience” he said. After about seven numbers Bowie and Mick Ronson perched on stools for the acoustic numbers which included Jacque Brel’s “My Death” – which some mistook for “Port of Amsterdam”. He introduced “My Death” with the words:

“We are going to cut some of the acoustic numbers down because I’m having a little trouble as you can hear, I may not finish this one…This is by Jacques Brel” – Bowie

Incidentally RCA recorded this concert for the aborted Ziggy Stardust live album and while it was never released “My Death” from this concert is able to be heard today as it was included on RARESTONEBOWIE (1995).

Before he sang “Waiting For the Man” Bowie told the audience “This is like bringing coals to Newcastle” – a reference to his next two songs being written by New York’s own Lou Reed. Trevor Bolder’s bass amplifier blew out during “White Light – White Heat” but the group kept going.

A five minute standing ovation was accorded Bowie before he and the Spiders returned for “Round and Round” – the encore. Ellen Willis of the New Yorker was seen standing on her chair enthusiastically applauding at the end of the show. Bowie finished with a smile, and a sincere “thank you” to the audience.

info from The Ziggy Stardust Companion

David Bowie Tour Band – The Ziggy Stardust Tour
David Bowie – vocals, guitar, harmonica
Mick Ronsonguitar, vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick “Woody” Woodmanseydrums
Matthew Fisherpiano (20 Apr 1972 – 27 May 1972)
Robin Lumleypiano (2 Jun 1972 – 15 Jul 1972)
Nicky Grahampiano (1 Aug 1972 – 7 Sep 1972)
Mike Garsonpiano, mellotron, organ (22 September 1972 – end of tour)
John Hutchinsonrhythm guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973 – 3 July 1973)
Aynsley Dunbaradditional drums (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973)
Geoffrey A. MacCormackbacking vocals, percussion (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Ken Fordham – saxophone (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Brian Wilshawsaxophone, flute (19 January 1973 – end of tour)

Robin Mayhew ,Will Palin ,Mick Hince ,Dean Heiser – Sound ,Ground Control ,Front of House Engineer ,Stage hands
Nigel Olliff, Nick Gilbey, Paul Normand and crew – Lights ,1972 Heavy Light ,1973 See Factor Industries NY Bob See ,Steve Hurston ,Mick Fussey
Peter Hunsley – Stage Equipment
Suzi Fussey – Wardrobe, Makeup and Hair


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