David Bowie 1972-08-19 London ,The Rainbow Theatre – Starman Over The Rainbow – SQ -8

David Bowie 1972-08-19 London ,The Rainbow Theatre - Starman Over The Rainbow - SQ -8

David Bowie 1972-08-19 London ,The Rainbow Theatre – Starman Over The Rainbow –
Sound Quality Rating

101. Intro.wav
102. Lady Stardust.wav
103. Hang On To Yourself.wav
104. Ziggy Stardust.wav
105. Live On Mars.wav
106. Superman.wav
107. Changes.wav
108. Five Years.wav
109. Space Oddity.wav
110. Andy Warhol.wav
111. My Death.wav
112. Width Of A Circle.wav
113. Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud.wav
114. Starman.wav
115. Queen Bitch.wav
116. Suffragette City.wav
217. White light ,white Heat.wav
218. Waiting For The Man.wav
219. Band Introduction.wav
220. Encore – Moonage Daydream.wav

Sounds Of The Seventies, Kensington House, London, UK 11th January 1972
301. Bonus – Waiting for the Man -BBC jan. 1972.wav
302. Bonus – Queen Bitch – BBC jan. 1972.wav

Johnny Walker Show, Aeolian Hall, 22th May 1972
303. Bonus – Changes – BBC may 1972.wav
304. Bonus – Oh! You Pretty Things – BBC may 1972.wav

Sounds Of The Seventies, Maida Vale Studios, London, UK 23rd May 1972
305. Bonus – Andy Warhol – BBC may 1972.wav
306. Bonus – Lady Stardust – BBC may 1972.wav
307. Bonus – White Light, White Heat BBC may 1972.wav

Sounds Of The Seventies, Maida Vale Studios, London, UK 18th January 1972
308. Bonus – Waiting for the man – BBC jan. 1972.wav
309. Bonus – Queen Bitch – BBC jan. 72.wav

310. Bonus – Something Happens – Demo 1971 – Hunky Dory Outake.wav
311. Bonus – Don’t Be Afraid.wav
312. Bonus – All the Young Dudes.wav
313. Bonus – Sweet Jane.wav

Top Of The Pops, BBC Studios, London, UK 14th April 1972
314. Bonus – Starman – alternative song.wav

315. Bonus – All the young Dudes.wav
316. Bonus – Don’t be Afraid.wav

Label: Savage Hippo Records ‎– SH118
Audio Source: audience
Total running time: 2:26:06
Sound Quality: noise ,Much noise ,dull ,but still good listened to
Attendance: 3.000
Artwork: Yes.

‘Something Happens’ is actually ‘Something Happens When You Touch Me’, a song written and performed by Colin Blunstone.
‘Don’t Be Afraid’ is actually a demo (called Oh! Darlin’) by the band Czar.

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The show started with the customary Walter Carlos theme from a “Clockwork Orange.” With perfect timing Bowie appeared out of the darkness strumming a 12-string guitar and singing the opening number “Lady Stardust”, while clouds of dry-ice (hundreds of pounds of dry-ice were purchased for the concert) hovered just above the stage floor.

Petticoat Magazine wrote:
“When the spotlights came on the audience gives up a single gasp of utter disbelief. Ziggy’s hair is a solid bob of flaming Apricot Gold, made even brighter by a deathly white made-up face. He is wearing a blue Lurex jacket open to the navel and a pair of blue denims tucked into what appeared to be boxing boots. The Spiders…seem ill at ease in their silver jump-suits. The exhibition that follows is of secondary importance. David Bowie made his impact the second he stood there under the lamp, legs apart, hips gently swaying, guitar slung over his back and a limp smile playing on his mouth. There’s no getting away from it, the boy is beautiful…”

An image of Marc Bolan was projected onto a screen to the left of the stage while Bowie sang “Lady Stardust” implying that the song was specifically written about him. Throughout the concert hundreds of obscure images were also projected onto the screen to accompany the other songs. The Astronettes wore David Bowie masks for this number, an idea of Lindsay Kemps. This was to be the one and only known live performance of “Lady Stardust” at a Ziggy Stardust concert.

The stage itself consisted of a multi-level arrangement of scaffolding covered in sawdust, much like that typically seen in a circus. Bowie used the many levels of scaffolding after changing his costume, appearing either above or below the dancers. During the performances he moved up and down the levels by way of connecting ladders.

Bowie first changed his costume after “Changes” with Mick Woodmansey playing an extended drum beat (40 seconds worth!) for the beginning of “Five Years” in order to give Bowie time to change. On the tape of the concert, Bowie can be clearly be heard out of breath following his quick dash up the scaffolding to appear high above the stage. Bowie and Ronson’s vocal imitation of the blast-off sequence of “Space Oddity” (replaced in later concerts with a synthesiser) drew good natured amusement from the audience. Bowie first addressed the audience after singing “Andy Warhol” (nine songs into the performance):

“This is a Jacques Brel number, but its not “Port of Amsterdam.” Its equally as cheerful and its called “My Death.”

This was the first time that Bowie performed “My Death.” Another highlight, was the first and only full performance of “Wild-Eyed Boy From Freecloud.”

When Bowie sang “Starman”, Lindsay Kemp appeared wearing a wig and wings, smoking a cigarette (joint?) and leering at the audience from the stage and rafters as he played the role of the STARMAN. During the song Bowie sang a line from the Julie Garland song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” in recognition of the venue:

“There’s a Starman
…. over the rainbow
Way up there….
Can you tell me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie….”

After the Lou Reed songs “White Light/White Heat” and “Waiting for the Man”, Bowie concluded:

“I’d like to thank you for coming to our little show tonight. I’d like to thank The Astronettes for dancing it, I’d like to thank Trevor Bolder, Woody Woodmansey and Mick Ronson – The Spiders, for playing it. Thanks to my guest artist Mr Lindsay Kemp and lastly I’d like to thank-you. Thank-you and good night.”

The encore was Moonage Daydream and was introduced by Bowie:

“This is one of Ziggy’s numbers. Its called “Moonage Daydream.”

The performance drew huge critical acclaim and sales of the Ziggy Stardust album climbed sharply. There were, however, some dissenters. Some people were uncomfortable with the introduction of theatre to rock. Elton John reportedly walked out before the finale saying “He’s blown it now. He’ll never mean anything any more!” (an allusion to Bowie’s outrageous camp act which Elton found to be an affront as he chose to hide his bisexuality at this time), while Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music remarked “I don’t think it worked.” However, such comments were in the minority (It was rumoured that Roxy Music had been prevented from rehearsing in the theatre prior to the show and that their representatives had also been prevented from handing out promotional material in the foyer which may have led to some animosity).

The formula of brilliant hard rock combined with stunning theatricality became the staple Ziggy Stardust concert for future concerts…

David Bowie Tour Band – The Ziggy Stardust Tour
David Bowie – vocals, guitar, harmonica
Mick Ronsonguitar, vocals
Trevor Bolderbass
Mick “Woody” Woodmanseydrums
Matthew Fisherpiano (20 Apr 1972 – 27 May 1972)
Robin Lumleypiano (2 Jun 1972 – 15 Jul 1972)
Nicky Grahampiano (1 Aug 1972 – 7 Sep 1972)
Mike Garsonpiano, mellotron, organ (22 September 1972 – end of tour)
John Hutchinsonrhythm guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973 – 3 July 1973)
Aynsley Dunbaradditional drums (8 Apr 1973 – 20 Apr 1973)
Geoffrey A. MacCormackbacking vocals, percussion (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Ken Fordham – saxophone (19 January 1973 – end of tour)
Brian Wilshawsaxophone, flute (19 January 1973 – end of tour)

Robin Mayhew ,Will Palin ,Mick Hince ,Dean Heiser – Sound ,Ground Control ,Front of House Engineer ,Stage hands
Nigel Olliff, Nick Gilbey, Paul Normand and crew – Lights ,1972 Heavy Light ,1973 See Factor Industries NY Bob See ,Steve Hurston ,Mick Fussey
Peter Hunsley – Stage Equipment
Suzi Fussey – Wardrobe, Makeup and Hair

  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre
  • David Bowie 1972-08 Rainbow theatre

David Bowie Starman over the rainbow


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David Bowie 1972-08-19 London ,The Rainbow Theatre – Starman Over The rainbow – (Diedrich)  – SQ  -8 David Bowie 1972-08-20 London ,The Rainbow Theatre – Live at the Rainbow – SQ 8