David Bowie 1997-09-08 Seattle ,Carter Subaru Mountain Music Lounge Studios (acoustic session from The Mountain 103,7 Radio) – SQ 9,5

David Bowie 1997-09-08 Seattle ,Carter Subaru Mountain Music Lounge Studios (acoustic session from The Mountain 103,7 Radio) – SQ 9,5

David Bowie 1997-09-08 Seattle ,Carter Subaru Mountain Music Lounge Studios (acoustic session from The Mountain 103,7 Radio)  
Sound Quality Rating

01. Intro and interview .flac
02. The Supermen .flac
03. Dead Man Walking.flac
04. interview 2.flac
05. Always crashing.flac
06. interview 3.flac
07. Scary Monsters.flac
08. Outro.flac

Label : No label
Audio Source : FM Broadcast
Lineage : Unknown
Taping Gear : Unknown
Taper: Unknown
Recording Location: Unknown
Total running time : 0:30:34
Sound Quality : Excellent quality! Equals record or Radio/TV
Attendance : Unknown
Artwork : None

David Had a good humour in The Mountain show, too, for me at least until he does the old man voice thing (grrrr…).
He does interestingly sidestep a negatively worded question the interviewer starts reading out from the public’s questions, telling a story about his step-sister being re-christened Iman, as well as that being his wife’s name.
The mask slips a couple of times with David and Reeves’ bonhomie together, but no matter, for the most part there’s a lot of good natured fun to this latter show as well.

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David Bowie 1997-10-16 Chicago ,WXRT Studios (acoustic session on the evening show from 93XRT Radio) – SQ 9+ David Bowie 1997-09-08 Seattle, KNDD Studios – The End (Seattle Breakfast Show 107,7 FM with Jim Keller) (Radio acoustic sessions) – SQ 9,5