David Bowie 1997-12-07 San Francisco ,Kezar Pavilion (Neumann KM140 DAT) Live 105 Green X-mas.
Sound Quality Rating
01. Battle For Britain ( The Letter) .flac
02. Look Back In Anger.flac
03. Little Wonder .flac
04. Little Wonder II .flac
05. I’m Afraid Of Americans.flac
06. Scary Monster ( And Super Creeps).flac
07. Hallo Spaceboy.flac
Label: No label
Audio Source: audience
Lineage: Neumann KM140s > EAA PSP/2 > Sony SBM-1 > DAT
Total running time: 0:31:27
Sound Quality : very good. Equals record or radio apart from a slight noise and some dullness.
Attendance: ??
Artwork: None.
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Your so Lucky 🙂
I was at that show!!