David-Bowie 2018-01-09 BBC World Service – The Final Take – Bowie in the Studio – SQ 10

David-Bowie 2018-01-09 BBC World Service - The Final Take - Bowie in the Studio - SQ 10

David-Bowie 2018-01-09 BBC World Service – The Final Take – Bowie in the Studio –
Sound Quality Rating

This (27 min) special drama is an imagined account of David Bowie as he works on his last album, Blackstar, to give a moving and revealing portrait of the star as he reflects on music, love, drugs, fame and death.

‘Dead Ringers’ star Jon Culshaw will portray the late artist in the forthcoming programme, which will air next month
A new BBC radio drama will dramatise the making of David Bowie‘s final studio album, ‘Blackstar’.
The late artist released his twenty-fifth and final album on January 8, 2016, which coincided with Bowie’s 69th birthday. Two days later on January 10, Bowie passed away after a battle with liver cancer.

‘Blackstar’ was acclaimed upon its release, and the making of that record will now be the focus of a new BBC radio drama. Set to air on the BBC World Service on January 9, The Final Take: Bowie In The Studio presents an imagined account of Bowie working on ‘Blackstar’.

Dead Ringers star Jon Culshaw will voice the part of Bowie in what is being billed as “a rare serious role”. Martin T Sherman will play Bowie’s long-time producer Tony Visconti, while the voice of saxophonist Donny McCaslin will be provided by Tom Alexander.

Set in New York’s ‘The Magic Shop’ studio in 2015, The Final Take: Bowie In The Studio will utilise dialogue constructed from Bowie’s own words – which have been taken from the hundreds of interviews he gave during his life.

Label : No label
Audio Source : BBC World Service Broadcast on Tuesday January 9 2018
Lineage : BBC website > Audio Hijack > Audacity > Flac
Taper: Diedrich
Total running time : 0:26:50
Sound Quality : Excellent quality! Equals record or radio
Artwork : None
The Final Take : Bowie In The Studio will air on the BBC World Service on Tuesday January 9 2018, with the programme currently set to broadcast at the time of 11:30 am.


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