David Bowie 1976-77 Capital Radio Interviews – David Bowie Capital – SQ 10

David Bowie 1976-77 Capital Radio Interviews - David Bowie Capital - SQ 10

David Bowie 1976-77 Capital Radio Interviews – David Bowie Capital –
Sound Quality Rating

Maggie Norden, Hullabaloo 1976-05-02
101. Maggie with crowd.flac
102. The Laughing Gnome.flac
103. Maggie Norden intro.flac
104. Ziggy Stardust.flac
105. Maggie Norden – 1972 break through.flac
106. All The Young Dudes (Mott The Hoople).flac
107. Maggie Norden segue.flac
108. Changes.flac
109. Maggie Norden – multimedia.flac
110. Space Oddity.flac
111. Maggie Norden – 1973.flac
112. Here Comes The Night.flac
113. Maggie Norden – Diamond Dogs.flac
114. Diamond Dogs.flac
115. Maggie Norden – 1974.flac
116. The Jean Genie (David Live).flac
117. Interview Segment 1.flac
118. Fame.flac
119. Interview Segment 2.flac
120. Golden Years.flac
121. Interview Segment 3 (Waterloo Station).flac
122. TVC15 and outro.flac

Nicky Horne, Your Mother Wouldn’t Like It, 1977-10-20
201. Opening.flac
202. “Heroes”.flac
203. Chat Segment 1.flac
204. Blackout.flac
205. Chat Segment 2.flac
206. Chat Segment 3.flac
207. Ziggy Stardust.flac
208. Chat Segment 4.flac
209. Chat Segment 5.flac
210. What In The World.flac
211. Chat Segment 6.flac
212. Speed Of Life.flac
213. Chat Segment 7.flac
214. Chat Segment 8.flac
215. Beauty And The Beast.flac
216. Nicky Horne closes.flac
217. Changes.flac

Label : From The Hunky Geordie Tapes – HUG066CD
Audio Source : FM Radio Interviews
Lineage : TDK D90 tape (one side, 1976) or D60 (1977) (Noggin)
Total running time : 1:15:32
Sound Quality : Excellent quality! Equals record or radio
Artwork : By steve23yh



No intervention required on Maggie Norden tape.

Nicky Horne 1977 – Goldwave light hiss removal
Between tracks 3 & 4, adverts removed
More adverts between 5 & 6, 8 & 9

Tape flip @ 3:08 in track 9. Fade-out/in but some talk missing

More adverts removed between tracks 13 & 14 – the taper had already taken most out, but fades track 14 up afterwards
Beauty and the Beast buts onto adverts, which I’ve removed with fades

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1 thought on “David Bowie 1976-77 Capital Radio Interviews – David Bowie Capital – SQ 10”

  1. I have the RCA Recording Studios David Bowie Capitol Radio Show interview tapes. Tape 1 – 26:30
    Tape 2 – 29:40
    I got them from a friend who passed away. Both tapes are in pristine condition.

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