David Bowie Ziggy in Wonderland (BBC session 1969-1972) – SQ 9

David Bowie Ziggy in Wonderland (BBC session 1969-1972) - SQ 9

David Bowie Ziggy in Wonderland – (BBC session 1969-1972).
Sound Quality Rating

01. White Light/White Heat*
02. Love You till Tuesday**
03. In the Heat of the Morning**
04. Let Me Sleep beside You***
05. Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud°
06. Bombers°°
07. Looking for a Friend°°
08. Almost Grown°°
09. Kooks°°
10. The Supermen°°°
11. Ziggy Stardust+
12. Five Years+
13. Starman++
14. Rock’n’Roll Suicide+++

Other notes:
*Sounds of the 70s: Bob Harris BBC programme, Maida Vale Studio 4, London, 23/05/1972;
**Top Gear BBC programme, Piccadilly Studio 1, London, 18/12/1967;
***The Dave Lee Travis Show BBC programme, Aeolian Hall Studio 2, London, 20/10/1969;
°Sounds of the 70s: Andy Ferris BBC programme, Playhouse Theatre Studios, London, 25/03/1970;
°°In Concert: John Peel BBC programme, Paris Cinema Studio, London, 03/06/1971;
°°°Sounds of the 70s: Bob Harris BBC programme, Kensington House Studio T1, London, 21/09/1971;
+Sounds of the 70s: Bob Harris BBC programme, Maida Vale Studio 5, 18/01/1972;
++The Johnny Walker Lunchtime Show BBC programme, Aeolian Hall Studio 2, London, 22/05/1972;
+++Sounds of the 70s: Bob Harris BBC programme, Maida Vale Studio 4, London, 23/05/1972

 David-Bowie-ziggy-in-wonderland-back David-Bowie-ziggy-in-wonderland-inner

Collector’s notes:
This great CD in fantastic sound quality was taken from a 1987 radio broadcast called Bowie at the Beep. Even after the release of the official compilation of the same name as the aforementioned broadcast, this disc was still great, since it includes two tracks from Bowie’s very first BBC session (from 1967), which was completely ignored on the official product. Nowadays this session is not particularly rare, since it was included in its entirety on the “Deluxe Issue” CD set of Bowie’s first album.
Note that even the BBC employees did obviously not always know the exact origin of the recordings: In the Heat of the Morning is from the 1967 session, and not from a 1968 session, as the announcer claims.

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David Bowie The Rise And Rise of Ziggy Stardust Volume 3 and 4 – (BBC Sessions 1971-1972) David Bowie The BBC Archives 1968 – 1972 – SQ 8