David Bowie Rebel Rebel

David Bowie Rebel Rebel – book


Rebel Rebel: coming your way, 27 March 2015.

This book is essentially “Bowiesongs, Part 1.” Bowie song-by-song, in chronological order from “Liza Jane” to “Station to Station,” 1964-1976. All the blog entries have been revised, updated and improved (with hope), with a host of new material. Each song entry includes all broadcast and live dates and all available session information. The book also has an extensive discography, bibliography, and a massive (but fun & rather weird) endnote section.

A Press Bibliography: 1960-1970

Here’s the table of contents:


Here’s the first page:


Here are a number of ways to pre-order it:
UK Amazon
US Amazon
Germany Amazon (book’s still in English)
France Amazon (book’s in English)
Canada Amazon

Barnes & Noble

Book Depository (free shipping worldwide). (this is what they mean by “worldwide“)

This is a very chain-centric list at present. If your local store is interested in carrying the book, please let me know at bowiesongs at gmail dot com and I’ll be glad to add their site.  There will also be an e-book version, ready to go before the launch, if that’s your style.


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