David Bowie 1997-08-06 Leeds ,Town & Country Club (off Master) – SQ 8+

David Bowie 1997-08-06 Leeds ,Town & Country Club (off Master) - SQ 8+

David Bowie 1997-08-06 Leeds ,Town & Country Club (off Master) – SQ 8+

01 Quicksand.flac
02 The Man Who Sold the World.flac
03 Queen Bitch.flac
04 My Little School Girl.flac
05 Jean Genie.flac
06 I’m Afraid Of Americans.flac
07 Battle For Britain.flac
08 Fashion.flac
09 Seven Years In Tibet.flac
10 Fame.flac
11 Outside.flac
12 Band Introductions.flac
13 Stay.flac
14 Looking For Satellites.flac
15 Under Pressure.flac
16 The Heart’s Filthy Lesson.flac
17 Hallo Spaceboy.flac
18 Scary Monsters.flac
19 Little Wonder.flac
20 Encore Call.flac
21 Dead Man Walking.flac
22 White Light White Heat.flac
23 O Superman.flac
24 Look Back In Anger.flac

Label: No label
Audio Source: audience
Total running time: 1:53:14
Note: Good quality audience recording – I’d give it SQ 8+
Attendance: ……….

Wednesday the 6th of August 1997, it was; a balmy evening outside, sweltering inside; the sense of expectancy, especially once you had fully absorbed the fact that very soon you would be stood less than 15 feet away from the great man, palpable. Reeves Gabrels on guitar, Gail Ann Dorsey on bass, Zachary Alford on drums and the seemingly perennial Mike Garson on keyboards were already on stage as this ethereal vision appeared to float into view from stage left. Dressed in a brilliant white shirt slashed to the navel, improbably blonde, bronzed and handsome, wreathed in beatific smiles and strumming the opening chords to Quicksand on an acoustic guitar, this really was the man who fell to earth. For all the world this surely was David Bowie stood before us, but it could equally have been some alien from outer space such was the otherworldliness of this being and its presence. In many respects what ensued barely mattered, as this experience could surely never be repeated or bettered. But Quicksand was followed, naturally, by The Man Who Sold The World. And Queen Bitch was then followed by The Jean Genie in what was, and probably still is, the strongest fusillade of four songs to ever open any show. The rest of the performance was dominated by songs from Earthling, the album that the tour was there to promote. I’m Afraid Of Americans was edgy, sinister and paranoid whilst the melody of Hallo Spaceboy was still rattling around in my brain for days afterwards such was the all-consuming power of its thunderous groove. But the entire evening still remains to this very day completely consumed by that grand entrance.

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